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"I WISH I tried Replica Earlier"

A lot of customers have told us "I wish I would have tried Replica earlier." So we asked our community this question: What would you say to someone on the fence about placing their first Replica order?

This is all 1200 responses, nothing deleted, nothing edited. Enjoy their candor.

Definitely order. The surfaces are so versatile and a great creative outlet. The surfaces are addictive - I already have over 30 in just 3 months. Beautiful quality and images. Fast shipping!

Natalie H


SonShine C

Do it. Best decision you will make

Claudette S

Using Replica Surfaces takes your product photos to the next level.

Deirdre M

Just do it! I no longer have to shoot everything in the kitchen (which can be pretty dark) because I can take the surfaces throughout my home.

Kelley W

Buy the PHOTO COURSE and some surfaces, and GO FOR IT. You really CAN DO IT! You will be so happy with yourself and your photos will come out amazing! Everyone will comment on your efforts, watch!

Ty R

Look at sample photos to decide if it's for you

Ana N

It's worth the investment if you will be using a lot.


Invest in one or two surfaces that you can use for multiple projects. It's a great investment that will elevate your work.

Lauren S

The surfaces are beautiful and durable, and if you have any trouble, the customer service is great

Lauren D

Get it, don't think twice. This is a purchase you won't regret.

Mahalia M

Yes only because of the price

Katrina C

You will not regret! Replica surfaces are perfect!

Carla C

Don't hesitate! It allowed me to instantly upgrade my website, newsletters, and Instagram

Teri D

Well worth it for every kind of photographer amateur to professional. High quality, fabulous customer service!

Mary Beth A

I'd say to try a couple and see if you benefit from it. Join the Facebook group and learn from others and see examples of the surfaces you're thinking about. The enthusiasm there would likely put someone over the edge if they're on the fence.

Suzanne B

You will not regret of buying them

Hsiang Min H

Just do it! It becomes addictive. Everytime I order, I have a new favorite surface.

Kim O

They have lots of surfaces to choose from. Ou get what you pay for.

Cheryl S

It is worth it. Make sure your products are SMALL though.

Jen J

Good products - well made and effective

Steve M

Using this product will simplify your set-up for table top photography. You no longer have to spend a lot of time setting up the floor and background of the stage and can get directly to styling the photo in a way that makes the most sense.

Don T

I would talk them into it. Even investing in just one is a game changer for products!


That it is one of the best investments you can make! You'll thank me later.

Emily G

Just do it.

Yentl J

I have no regrets, it makes everything look fabulous.


You won't be disappointed.

Elena C

I love that Replica Surfaces add a professional look to food photography.

Simone S

Jump the gun and buy it! There's nothing else out there NOTHING!

Andreina C

Do not fear! Do not hesitate because of cost. Look at the purchase as an investment in your business. You will love the Replicas.


Bundles are the way to go!

Sierra W

This is your chance to present your work with the vibe you want.

Lesli S

Don't wait - you're gonna love it!

Ellen S

Your investing in your business, image and it's the first impression customers have of your products. It's worth every penny.

Theresa F

If it's a limited release you want, grab it before it's gone. If it's a regular surface, wait for a sale and stock up on a few.

Becca L

DO IT! If you are looking for a way to elevate your photos, this is it, hands down. Don't wait any longer - just order them!!

Becky L

A bit expensive but worth it.

Jocelyn D

The plain white is so glossy it is not usable as a surface. Great light reflector. So pick a different neutral.

Deanna C

The surfaces are both beautiful and sturdy! And they aren't limited to one look; you can play with lighting and focus as well as props to make them look totally different.

Amy R

I would say they're worth it.

Tina L

Best decision you will make!

Lori C

The quality and durability is incredible

Michelle S

Grab one - you won't regret it!

Sherry B

If you want the best surfaces for product imagery.... you need Replica Surfaces. They are superior as compared to others.

Melissa C

You will absolutely not regret it!

Ashleigh F

My surface, along with the styling examples immediately improved my product photography.

Tanya D

Don't be fooled that a vinyl backdrop will lay or stand the way a piece by Replica Surfaces does. The increased price you pay in dollars is far offset in time saved styling your less expensive, vinyl surfaces.

Jessica W

Worth the cost

Holly I

My feelings are similar. I would advise anyone to take the chance and have a leap of faith. After one purchase, one would be sure not to be disappointed.

Belinda B

Just do it!

Amy W

Try one or two surfaces first, choose ones that relate or will compliment what you are photographing (we are not all food bloggers)

Cynthia D

They won't magically make you a better photographer. You still have to learn about how to use your camera and lighting. But they have some great videos to help with that. You could try making your own backdrops, but Replica Surfaces and the studio are so much easier and look way better. Product photography is the last thing you should cut corners on.

Nicole B

They are expensive but worth every penny

Ashley L

I would say it's worth every penny!

Lori W

The cost is worth the quality of your pictures.

Sarah B

Do it. It's worth it.

Roberta D

Do it! It's great quality and the customer service is top-notch. They won't be disappointed.


I really love the quality of the product, but the pricing seems very high.

Cristina G

No matter what you're providing, they're great surfaces to use with any product. They're easy to set up and compact enough to be out of the way when needed. You can set them up anywhere.

Vicky P

Definitely order from Replica - unbelievable quality, selections & designs!

Dianna W

It's worth it and make sure you order at least two surfaces.

Maria C

If you need them get them, they make it easier.

Alan S

They are high quality, they will last you a very long time, and are so worth it. The ordering is easy and customer service is great.

Elizabeth N

It will take your product-driven small business to the next level!

Debbie P

The ease of being able to take such a variety of photos with ease is one like no other. With the options you have to choose from you could take a whole catalog of pictures! And choosing the bundle option, get that variety with saving!

Ashley K

They are so worth it! But shipping (to Hawaii) is pricey, so order a few!

Jodi Y

RUN!!!! I spent so much money on "other" studio photography backdrops and hated them all. These are just awesome!

Renee M

I tried many different, those are game-changer.

Eva I

They are worth every penny.

Brittany H

Do it! You won't regret the fantastic outcome. It elevates photos and adds a layer of color/faux texture.

Andrea M

If you can afford to, definitely don't wait on grabbing a surface cuz it's worth every penny.

Rita T

There is a perfect background for every product imaginable.

Robin F

They are great surfaces! I have used all mine.

Amy J

It's expensive make sure you select the right background or it will cost a lot to return as they don't offer free shipping/free returns.

Laura R

I just convinced someone on my team at work to purchase two surfaces. (Her name is Kayla Barrett in CA.) It was such an easy sell because she has seen my photo work over the last few years and wanted to elevate her photos as well. I take product and brand photography for two businesses, both paper/crafting related, and these surfaces have been the single best investment I have made in my photo setup. I don't even use my DSLR anymore. (Canon 5d Mark ii) I use an iPhone, my surfaces + stands, and edit in Lightroom. So I guess in summary, what I would say is "this is the only thing I've ever been influenced to buy for my business that was ACTUALLY worth it."

Erica W

They are worth every penny. You won't be disappointed. In fact, you'll get addicted and just want to buy them all. The quality is just top-notch.

Jessica Devin

I would tell them to use the Bundle feature and then choose options they believe they will be able to use for many types of shots that work with THEIR product offerings so they feel extra confident in clicking that "check out" button. These are really great products and the new stands are much easier to use for people with arthritis, so I definitely recommend them.

Manda W

The ease, efficiency, and time-saving ability of quickly putting together a shot to market my products allows me more time to focus on creating my products and time is money! It's so worth not having to agonize over planning beautiful and brand-consistent marketing photos.

Brandy M

You won't regret the investment. These surfaces make all of your product photos look professional.

LaRisa R

If you need some useful tools for product pics, Replica's products are worth every penny, so Just Do It!

Judy N

They're pretty nice. Kinda pricey if you need a lot of surfaces, and they are a little small for food.

Jeremy k

If you want quality photos at a fraction of the cost of a professional photographer, then don't hesitate. You truly can D-I-Y great photos with the Replica Surfaces and the how-to videos.

Tammy P

Honestly, I'd tell them to invest in Replica if they were already experienced with lighting. My biggest disappointment with Replica surfaces has been glare in photos from less than perfect lighting and I couldn't recommend a small business spend hundreds of dollars on surface pairings if they would struggle like me.

Kittie B

It's an investment in your business and you are worth that investment.

Jenny S

These backgrounds give an amazing professional look at a fraction of the price of professional product photos.

Bethany H

Just buy one, you will love it!

Robin H

If you have a product you need these to help create appealing and professional images to sell that product.

Lisa P

Try them out, they really make the difference you're looking for!

Savanah S

Get them, they're worth it.

Ted W

Great for work or personal use. Great option if you need to move your studio around to different spaces.

Julie G

Just do it.

Britni V

They are quality. Be sure to absolutely love the background and know you'll use it since they are very expensive. Bundles are more cost-efficient.

Taylor J

Your photos will improve so much it's worth it.

Renee C

Just place the order and try.

Michelle V

They are easy to use and easy to store!

Jorie B

Go ahead and do it. You won't regret it.

Michelle Johnson

Try it, you'll like it.

Nancy C

Do it! Create the beauty now :)

Christen V

Just do it.

Denise R

It is worth it. Yes, it can be costly, but there are so many options and the quality is really good. These last for a long time and have multiple uses.

Erika S.

"Definitely buy it! The quality is amazing. I love what I have learned from the YT videos and the community. Ever since I have been using my surfaces my photos and videos have come out really good! I love my Surfaces!"

Cynthia C.

Just do it, you'll be happy you did.

Amy T

One surface and you will want them all! A game changer.


Go for classic one first.

Yagmur e.

I'd tell them to imagine the stress of photos - ugly backdrops being a big part of that - much reduced.

Kim T

Read my Replica blog post and look at my photos and videos.

Archana P

Just do it!

Jenn W

I would say to browse the whole catalog and make sure that all future orders will still work as backgrounds to their specific products.

Maria N

Try it! I honestly can't imagine why someone wouldn't be sure about the value?? It's very obvious what the value is: great photos. I guess the question is how much they value good photos. I value them a LOT, so RS are a no-brainer.

Julie T

Replica Surfaces changed the way my product photos look and helps us convey our brand image through photography.

Jacki C

The surfaces are very realistic, easy to change, and good quality. In addition, the stands make paring very easy.

Ana C

I would say to make their choice of surfaces that will compliment their photo subject, and which will help showcase their product. A first order should something that's classic in design or color so that you can see how versatile the styling can be.

Jean R.

The surfaces help you take quick pics of whatever you need without having to clear so much from your "background".

Elizabeth V

Take the plunge - there's really no regret.

Erin F.

Absolutely just do it! It's worth it!

Taylor I

Don't hesitate, they are definitely worth it. It takes your product photos to the next level. What have you got to lose really? In business we have to be willing to try, take risks, and even as a small business the surfaces have proven to be a good investment.

Danielle F

Do it, if you are serious about your business, you won't regret it.

Jamie P

Just do it!

Kim K

Give it a try. You'll get addicted.

Susanna C

They are amazing and worth every penny.

Tommy R

Replica will be the best decision you can make especially if you do not have a big budget to pay someone to take professional pictures of your products.

Casi G.

Worth it!


They saved my time & sanity.

Michelle H

You won't be sorry.

Evelina S

This will help elevate your brand.

Nash G

Do it and you'll never regret it! I've had my surfaces for 5 years, smeared product all over them for photos, moved them to dozens of locations, and they still look new and beautiful. They clean up so easy and weather incredibly well.

Jenn Z

It's expensive to keep up with all the new surfaces but the stand is a keeper.


It saves time, but be sure your items can be photographed in the limited amount of space. Wish XL sizes worked with the studio.

Julie o

Give it a try and start small. Honestly, my surfaces scratched pretty badly the very first time I used them, so I'd probably advise against buying them if you're planning on photographing pottery or anything else even a little rough.

Jillian P

It makes everything so much more convenient!

Star S

Don't wait. I'm careful about my business purchases but these surfaces have paid for themselves a million times in the overall appearance of my online store, my confidence boost in product photography, and the sales that I made after redoing my site with these in my toolkit. These are PREMIUM quality, yet they're approachable and practical in a way many other photography accessories simply will never be. After 5 years, I still reach for my surfaces weekly and they still look good as new. Smartest investment I've made in my business!!

Haley D

You will want to order more!

Rosalinda G

Do it. Knowing you can return them if you don't like them...but you'll love them, keep them, and then buy more!

Jennifer H

This is a company that cares, about its product, about its customer. This is as much an investment in who the company is as it is an investment in equipment.

Elizabeth B.

It's worth buying now because you will be able to stop buying other products that just don't measure up.

Lisa A

I purchased because I thought it looked like the best in quality and function for product photography.

Joanne B

The surfaces photograph very well.

Kelly Kardos

You won't be disappointed with your purchase. The quality and overall look of the products are just amazing! Just wish that the surfaces were offered in the XL size earlier.

Lacey B.

The products are a great value. I use them weekly. They photograph beautifully, there are lots of options to help your products to stand out and they are durable.

Rose L

Just do it.

Debbie G

Try it! It will make a world of difference to your product.

Arlene D

Do it! You won't regret it!

Lisa J

That replica staff is great to work with and the products are great. And the how-to videos are great too.

Karen M

The surfaces are amazing quality and beautifully designed.

Kimberly G.

Worth every penny. Of course, you have to have the means. But the product is amazing, well made, and easy to use. Especially the new corners (v2)!

Sophie B.

Just buy it. I ultimately have saved so much time and money by being able to pull out my surface and take pictures of my cakes. I've gotten compliments that the photos look very well done, and it's just the surface and natural light. It also helps when I'm rushing to pull the surface out and know that if nothing else I have a great backdrop for my desserts.

Lasondra J

It's worth it! Easy to set up and easy to store!!


I would show them my pictures.


Replica has great quality products that are durable.

Medina J

Surfaces make taking eye-catching photos for my website and social media an enjoyable experience when before it was frustrating and time-consuming.

Melora C

They're way easier to use than you ever could have imagined!

Kayla B

The product is worth the extra price. My first replica surface literally stood up to over 10,000 food and tea photos before I needed to replace it. I've never had another surface stand up to so much use.

Emily T

It is worth the investment.

Ana G

The quality can't really be beat. And the endless pairing options to look like a real kitchen or other place.

Bren B

It makes life easier.

Kim S

I've suggested that a lot of my fellow makers buy the surfaces because they are a great and easy way to take better and more professional looking photos.

Jewel K

The quality is extremely good.

Robert S

Just do it. You won't be disappointed.

April R

If you want something beyond basic, these are great surfaces. But they are a different size (smaller) than nearly every other surface manufacturer out there, so keep that in mind.

Sage S

If you take a lot of product photos, it's worth the cost.

Joanna W

Try them! You won't regret it!

Kian-na B

Trying other backdrops or DIYing it is a waste of money and time because you'll eventually try Replica and never look back.

Jennifer L

You do not have to go all in - start with 2 surfaces.

JeanMarie T

The quality is really impressive. It makes less demand for skill on me.

Jan R

They are 100% worth it and will instantly up your photo game!

Amanda H

I would tell them it works well for me.

Karen T

Start with something simple.

Patrick C

It's worth it! The boards are great quality and shipping is usually fast.

Krystyle H

Hands down, order Replica.

Judy R

Worth it if you'd like to take more of your own photos.

Meghan L

Start with a bundle, even if it's a "plain" background to start with something simple and bundle to save a little extra. Test out your first set to see how you like it. If you fall in love like I did, purchase additional backgrounds.

Alyse Y.

It's an investment but it's worth it.

Jill P

The "replica" replicas are cheap and they suck. Just go with the real deal.

Mike S

I would say, start with two surfaces that are versatile for you and meet your brand aesthetic and just try it out. Keep it simple. Watch the helpful videos on how to stage photos with the surfaces.

Kirsten B.

I haven't tried yet, just ordered today.

Jessica K

Invest in your products will lead to better pics with less stress.

Nik W

If they can afford it, it is worth it and can actually help turn a bigger profit in the end!

Camille C.

The way these elevate your photos is impressive. Seeing the difference between my "old" photos and replica surface photos has gotten me many compliments from bystanders.

Elizabeth S

Go for there is difference in Replica Surface compared to others.

alan h

Give them a try, you won't regret it.

Lesa W

Very convenient and will help elevate your photos to look consistent for a brand or project.

Jynn H

Go for it.

Wendy B

If you're struggling to find backgrounds that make sense for your product and branding, Replica surfaces may help. While they aren't inexpensive, they are high quality and you can mix/match complementary surfaces to achieve the "look" you may be going for. And, they take up very little space when you want to store them, which is important if you have a tiny studio.

Brooke S

They have good quality materials and realistic surfaces. I was just telling someone the other day about them who was looking for new background options.

Kristine C

Do it! You won't be disappointed.

Natalie H

If you can afford it, do it! I've owned my surfaces for years and love them dearly. They've helped to elevate my photography even as a hobbyist.

Holly M

Great quality and customer service.

Crystal H

Do it. They are an investment, but they will transform your photos.

Lorenzo O

Whatever the cost of the surface is, it's totally worth it.

Brandi A

You won't be upset about having a mini studio at your fingertips and the customer service is stellar.

Lyssi H

It's worth it to have a sturdy, quality studio. I have moved across the country three times and had no damage or issues. It's also helpful to have on the go.

Laurie K

I'm not a photographer but I thought I needed a consistent backdrop & surface for product photos. I ultimately don't use them as much as I thought I would. I would say if you want a very natural looking surface, these may not be right. If you want something clean, colorful, or textured, then these may be a good solution.

jaq n.

The surfaces are my favorite from all I tried before - especially paired with the studio.

Kat C

Do it!

Susan B

They are lightweight, beautiful, and adorable at the time.

Jennifer P

Try it when you have the budget for it and watch all free YouTube video tutorials.

Mary C

These are expensive. There is no getting around that. But what you are doing now is most likely DIY and you can almost always tell. It's time to invest in your business/image/brand and put your money where your mouth is. Trust me. It is worth it and more.

Emily V.

It's worth it.

Emily V.

The results are worth the price. I thought these products were pretty pricey, but wouldn't go with any other company after seeing how great my photos come out.

Dana B

I was one of the first to place a Replica order, and my pictures went from boring to just beautiful!! It is a game changer.

Veronique E.

Don't know.

Meredith H.

Invest in yourself and your business (craft). You won’t regret the quality of your resulting photos and how easy it is to use.

Tiffany p

One of the best investments I have made for my photography. Has completely leveled up what I’ve been able to do.

Kate F

If you need to create a background, Replica is the resource for you.

Alexis H.

It's never too late to start. The quality and amount of resources RS has is beyond helpful for startups.

Chou X

Do it! You won't regret it.

Jody A.

I always promote it to anyone I can! I have always stood by the value of selling your products, especially online sales with the thought that people shop with their eyes first.

Sara S.

Just do it. If you want to level up your photography, this is the way to do it.

Sarah D

Game changing for people who need to take pictures of small goods, not only food photography.

Vivian C.

It's worth it. Your photos will improve so much!

Jenn F

It's a great brand.

Angie G

The pricing wasn’t within my budget at the time.

Kenisha S

Great backgrounds that are interchangeable and work well with each other. Definitely elevates the photos and makes everything look more professional.

Michelle T

Just do it!

Jennifer L.

You won't regret it.

Madelyn P

They're pricey, but much more professional looking.

Sandy T

It is so worth it. Every investment in your business will elevate your business to the next level. Your product photos sell the items, and you need them to look good.

Laura W

Quality surfaces that are hard wearing, classic, and a founder that is very in touch with her customers' needs and wants.


Get one you can use over and over.

Suzy T

If you are on the fence, take the leap. They are easy to use and create stunning results. The studio has been an awesome addition after using just the stands for a few years.

Ashley T

I actually have let people borrow them to see what they think. Yep, you got that sale. I would let my pictures speak for themselves and let them ask me any questions. This product is great, it should sell itself.

Kim O

I was one of those people who at first talked myself out of buying, thinking I could make do without the investment… but the time and supplies I had to put in to achieve a look HALF as glamorous made it clear: Replica Surfaces was the better ROI and I felt better about the work I was doing when I used them. I ordered, then ordered again. I have a lot of backdrops and still wish I had more!

Kirsten M.

This system makes it so much easier as a product photographer. I’m self-taught and have found myself learning so much from this community! It’s worth it. Easy to store and keep everything tidy. As well as soo many options!

Stephanie L

Although expensive, the quality is good.

Rene A

Replica makes grabbing those "easy" photos even easier.

Molly S

Place the order.

Andrea L

Start with what you can afford and work your way up. It's not all or nothing and you can level up a ton with just a set.

Chasity R

I have to say that I placed a second order for additional marble surfaces also this year, and I was disappointed with the quality of the marble graphic and the customer service follow-up to remedy it. The photo on the website did not match what I received.

Paige A

I have been able to increase my sales and upgrade the look of my storefront with the help of the Replica products.

Jean B

If you are someone that does tabletop photography and need a variety of really great-looking surfaces and backdrops, just do it! You won't regret it!!!

Rusty H.

They are easy to use and clean, and they really improve photos and make them look more professional than your own staging.

Michelle P

I didn't know this idea even existed before it popped up on my Instagram one day.

Victoria P

Buy Replica! You won't be disappointed!

Lee J

Depends as they change backgrounds often and sell out so sometimes it’s off-putting when you want to get multiples for your needs or ones you want have sold out and haven’t been seen again.

Jen H

Do it. Makes life so much easier!

Gayle L.

Best decision ever! I have purchased many different background types and the Replica Surfaces are definitely better than the rest. Worth every penny.

Patricia C.

I would absolutely 100 percent recommend and I would tell someone "you won't regret ordering" and "you will see an enhancement in your product photos".

Jason P.

The support and inspiration that this community provides amplifies their amazing products and will make you wish you'd started sooner. And they are addicting.

Jacqueline B.

Buy one surface that you can use in many of your photos and try it out. Then, if you find it works for you, purchase more as the need arises.

Bill W

The product is so much better in person and really it is so useful and high quality!

Kiery W

The surfaces are really nice. A little more expensive than others on the market, but a lot more selection and quality is good.

Darcy S.

If you're in a creative rut and need something new this is perfect.

Joanne V

Just do it. The ease it brings is worth it.

Erin D

The investment will return itself many many times over.

Taimi M

Good quality.

Robin M

Do it!

Megan I

Absolutely give them a try. The ease of using the surfaces and consistent quality is a perfect reflection of why so many photographers endorse this company. Customer service and products are top-notch.

Erin B

If you'll use the surfaces frequently, it's well worth the investment, but make sure to think about what you'll be photographing and make sure the size of the surface you want to order is really the right fit. Sometimes I don't use my smaller surfaces as often because they just aren't wide and tall enough for the product I want to photograph.

Hannah H

Try it! Make a bundle order to start, if you can, as the savings are great to get your catalog started. Think about what you want your brand to be and find 3-5 surfaces that really help support that - clean/elegant/colorful/farmhouse, etc. and invest in those first. The basics. Then see what happens.

Katie H

Good range of success.

Jenny Y

Yes, they ARE as easy and superior as they look. 100% you will improve your photos by using Replica Surfaces!

Jess M

Do it! It is such a time-saver and your photos will look amazing.

Valerie R

Do it! Don't think about it any longer and make that investment in yourself and your business!

Deborah R

Go for it! The price is worth it in the end. Choose something you'll use over and over again.

Lindsay S

You're going to get addicted. Think about storage.

Noël N

It was worth it. It would be worth it even more if I ever get around to taking the time to go through your photo course that I purchased. 😊

Michelle S

Great quality. Made product image quality super professional for an unskilled person like myself.

Sarah W

Just do it.

Amanda W

Don't hesitate to order Replica Surfaces! The quality is amazing and it will definitely be a game changer for your photos!

Lynetta J

Nothing can give you a quality shot with such ease.

Stacy W

It would make your photos look so clean and composed.

Allie C

These surfaces are absolutely worth it. They make product photography super fun and easy- especially if you don't have the most pretty home or space.

Emilie K

Start with 1 or 2. Then grow. You don't have to buy everything at once.

Michelle G

To order even if it’s just 2 versatile pieces.

Dana J

I would tell them to go ahead and spring for the studio with you first surfaces :)

Julie A.

I would tell them that it’s definitely worth the investment! Product photos sell your products so it makes sense to invest in something I consider to be 50% of why I get sales online.

Stephanie V

You can't go wrong with Replica Surfaces. They are beautiful, sturdy, easy to set up, and they make your product pictures look amazing.

Terica J

I would say give it a shot to level up product photography.

Elizabeth F

If you have the need for easy professional photos of items or products they need replica surfaces.

Bristol N

The quality is great and being able to take more interesting and clean photos of products has helped me sell more.

Alicia C

I would tell them to check out Replica's website to view all the different surfaces and how to pair them with the product that they're selling. All the information, videos, blogs, and how-tos are on the website. I would also show them pictures of my product using the surfaces and how it brought in more viewers and increased sales.

Gina C.

Get it! You won't regret it and you will use it a lot more than you thought you would. I find myself running into the studio and taking quick pictures with my replica surfaces on my studio for simple things that don't even relate to my product photography.

Christina Locke

These will make your job so much easier. They are fun and easy to use. You won’t regret your purchase! If not sure, just start small with a few neutral styles and then go from there!

Katie C

Game changer, be careful they are addictive.

Pamela R

Get two surfaces to try out, see what you think about the quality and how you can use it. I guarantee you won’t be disappointed and after the first few photos, you’ll be creating a wish list of other surfaces you want to buy.

Sarah P.

Try one, and once you see the quality of the product and the difference it makes in your photos you will want to purchase more to upgrade your photo-taking game.

Corky C

That they are worth it and it’s a good investment.

Angelica C

I know someone who bought almost all of the Replicas and even the limited edition. I was motivated to get more after seeing that and I started telling more friends about it. It is an investment. Not all can afford it but it elevates your subject or product for that matter. It’s worth it.

Patricia L

It was my first go. I would say go with Replica first, there is diversity and room to grow.

Natalie L

Easy to assemble and take anywhere. Professional looking.

Miosotiz C

Buy a pair and try them. You'll be delighted!

Cindy P

I would tell them how helpful they have been not only for our clients but also for us showing our printed portfolio pieces.

Virginia B.

Buy a bundle to see if you use them; you’ll get a small discount plus a good starting assortment to get several test shoots.

Sarah D

Overall it's worth the investment as it elevates your photos to a new level and makes your product stand out. Pick one or two you really like and get one of the gloss surfaces

Kai B

I would say, they are great, but consider the size of your product and determine if the new larger size is better.

Carol B.

Just make the investment. I spent money and time trying to make my own and wish I had just ordered Replica in the first place!

Joellyn W.

Go for it, the quality is amazing and there are so many options. You can really pick and choose surfaces to match your branding and the look and feel that you want to have for consistency.

Candice C.

Try it!

Barbara T

I guess just let them know I'm happy with my purchase?

Debbie H

They work great for photoshoots

Kanchana P

The surfaces are such great quality. It makes taking a high-quality food photo easier.

Laura W.

They made a huge difference in my photography! But not only that, I don't procrastinate taking photos anymore. It's so much easier with better results!

Sara L

Worth the price and makes your product photos really stand out.

Bernice A

If you are struggling with elevating your photography, Replica is so much more than just backgrounds—which are amazing! But they really helped me with setting my photos up, lighting and so much more with their tutorials.

Adrienne B.

Run, not walk and place your order!!! No way to go wrong and you will be amazed.

Jo N

The Surfaces make it so easy to improve your product photos.

Lynn T

I love Replica Surfaxes for their versatility, convenience and quality. Get them!

Doris C

Just give a few surfaces a try to see if you like them. The studio is very helpful too

Abigail J

Consider it an investment

Regina W

If you are serious about your business then good photography is a must. RS is going to immediately up your game.

Virginia R

Do not know

Andreas S

"Replica Surfaces, as well as the formula course, coupled with the studio, will take your photos from ordinary to extraordinary. The quality and choices of the surfaces are far superior than any other competitor."


Do it!

Niki M

It really takes your product photos to a whole new level. With the investment.

Sabrina F

Do not even hesitate. It has been a total game changer.

Sharon W.

It's the perfect way to advertise that "insta worthy" look, without having the price tag or the fancy kitchen, the fancy house, or anything crazy pricey in your life

Tarina M

If you're looking for professional looking backgrounds for your products that are easy to care for and will still look brand new for years to come, Replica Surfaces are worth the investment.

Jennifer T

To take the plunge and buy the surface (s)

Jocelyn D.

This is a premium product. Sure, there are cheaper options out there that may seem as appealing as replica's surfaces, but they don't compare to the flow and synergy these products provide. Replica continues to provide new surfaces and designs throughout the year. For product photography, this is a no brainer.

Doug P

Try it, you'll like it.

Sandi B

Try it you will not be disappointed

Tammy T

The investment is worth it! Start with some basics & build from there. Also, the studio is fabulous!!!

Sandi H.

"You'll love the results."

Marilyn R

You never know how good it is until you try it! Give it a go (make one purchase) of maybe one pair of surfaces (one floor and one wall) to experiment first!

Shaina H

You should

Maria G

They make it easy to do consistent work

Danielle R

Worth the investment

Ashley K

Do it! You won't regret it!

Laura S

They are great for at-home, small shoots. Super portable too. And they have so many classic looks that you can use over and over without it always feeling like the same picture

Jenna G

It's never too late. It makes a huge difference in my product photo

Daura B

Just do it! It's so worth it! If you're unsure, just start with 1 or 2.

Heather D.

Stop overthinking. You won't regret ordering RS. It's a great product and it will save you time from decluttering an area of your home (removing furniture or items in the background when you're taking photos). Try it out with a couple of surfaces, then get the studio so you have a dedicated area for your photos.

Jeanette L

Get them and try them!

Amy M

It's worth the investment!

Megan H

I would tell them to go for it and to not think twice because the investment is 100% worth it!! My photo game has changed tremendously!

Cydnee J.

I will tell them to do it! I have more surfaces than pictures I've taken with them but I like having the option of creating different backdrops of various colors that suit our brand.

Leteta S.

Replica is a must - the quality is great, and it's made a huge difference in our photography setup.

Courtney M

Do it!

Stephanie M

Make the move! You won't regret it!

Dannah (D.A.) P

Go for it! You absolutely will never regret it! It's an investment in your business.

Eliana M.

Just invest.

Ryan W

Don't wait! It's life-changing! Professional photos fast at a fraction of a cost!

Angela C

Make creating content easier with Replica surfaces. That makes your life easier.

Elaine C

The Replica surfaces are great and easy to shoot with.

Kevin M

Makes my photos look professional.

Margie G

Jump off & purchase! Worth it 🍏

May B

I would tell them to invest; this is a great opportunity for their product to stand out. Yes, it's very pricey but they have great plans. It's worth starting small and growing big.

Wendy k

These are quality products from a business who won't be gone next week. They also ship quickly.

Brittni T

You won't be disappointed. The quality and durability of these surfaces far surpass anything else I've tried.

Amy S.

If you want to take your products to the next level, it's all about the pictures.

LeeAnn A

Don't wait. Or you'll be lusting after the surface that got away.

Rachel D

If you want to get professional shots with a HUGE variety of backgrounds, get Replica. You can make a delicious pie candle appear to be cooling off on a fall afternoon, or set a martini atop a slick counter in some busy bar - it all looks real-er than ever with Replica backgrounds. AI can't even beat it.

Rachel G.

Go for it!

Mary B

You won't be disappointed!

Kim R.

It's worth it, jump in!

Tania C

It's a very easy and helpful solution to your photography needs!

Jessica L

Just do it.

Katie Young

They're totally worth it and will instantly upgrade your photography game.

Megan C

Great product for so many different subjects!

Sharon H

If you have a cell phone and the Replica Surface, you can create beautiful photos. It really is that easy!

Mandi F.

DO IT! Your photography will level up so much!

Michelle R.

DO IT! Your photography will level up so much!

Jess N

You won't regret it! You can use them for any artistic endeavor!

Airick K

It really elevates your photos and helps you stand out. They are so easy to use and worth every penny.

Tiara L.

It's worth the cost.

Aaron A

Don't wait! Especially on limited releases.

Rachel B.

Take advantage of the bundle deals!

Sheila G

You won't regret it. It will bring the quality of your pictures up a level to make you look more professional.

Marci B.

If you're struggling to get photos to update your website and have content for social media, this will accelerate that process 10x. You end up with professional-looking photos with just a cellphone and some good lighting.

Brittany A

It's high-quality and will last you a lifetime. It's addictive too (just can't have one).

Antonia N

Great Quality, interchangeable, non-glare.

Tracey R

They're expensive, but they are worth it.

Candace P

Replica surfaces are so easy to set up and use. Beautiful too.

Debbie W

Replica Surfaces is a game-changer. It solves many problems in taking your product photography.

Deborah K

Just do it. Even if you only get one set, it's worth it.

Meredith W

Look at examples - website, IG, FB - and think about the ambiance you're trying to create. Imagine you already have the surface, and what you'd want to stage on it, specifically. Also think about warm tones vs cool tones, and which you prefer for your photos. That can help narrow your choices (there are lots of gorgeous surfaces that don't actually fit with what I do).

Clare L.

You won't regret it!

Natalie J

Get a discount code and order a bundle to maximize the value.

Jeramie G

Start with what you think would be most versatile and then expand your collection. Start with basics, then go for the specialty ones. It's easy to get caught up in wanting all of them but you need to look at your subject and then decide what will suit your needs. Mostly, have fun with them, experiment, and broaden your collection.

Claudette B

If you take enough photos, especially for your business, this purchase is well worth it for the quality jump you'll be getting.

Jenna A

Using Replica surfaces shows your product in the most beautiful and professional way!

Gwendolyn J

The surfaces can be an investment, but get started by choosing a couple of surfaces that appeal to you and your branding and give them a shot. Take advantage of sales! You don't have to invest in the studio to create fantastic product photos; you don't even have to invest in numerous surfaces (but you probably will eventually!). If you do a lot of flat lays, start with one. Do mainly vertical shots, choose two. Just take the leap!

Carla M

The surfaces have an incredibly realistic look, are easy to use, and have excellent quality.

Ana C.

Try it...wonderful for flat lays

heidi w

Quality product that is durable and easy to clean

James G

Just do it! The investment you make now for great product photos can't be beat by any other product on the market. I have tried several and the ease of switching out background and counter, along with the cart that no one else has, make the entire system worth every penny. I typically watch my spending on anything other than what I sell and this took me months to decide on. Now I completely regret those wasted months.

Jody I

The price is totally worth it and that there is nothing on the market that compares so don't even bother

Rachel c

They're beautiful, sturdy, easy to use and store, portable

Stacy R

Get off the fence

Sue S

Do it! The value is worth it and my photo quality is so improved with my beautiful surfaces.

Stacy L.

My photos dramatically look so much better and more polished once I started taking pictures with Replica Surfaces. More likes, more followers, more purchases - it's a no-brainer - total value makes it a no-brainer!

Kristen G

Give them a try, you won't be disappointed!

Paula F.

I would tell them how easy it is to set up and store. The ease of changing looks and great customer service!

Amanda N

Start with 2 surfaces - you can do a lot with just that

Alexandria S

Compare ads with great backgrounds to ads with nothing. Which was more appealing and made you give the product another look. That's what replica surfaces will do for you.


I think Replica is super on trend and honestly, idiot-proof. You can order any of the surfaces and your photos will just be better.

Michelle G

That they are easy to work with and store. It will take your images to an entirely new level.

Susan S

The investment is much worth it. So easy to use and you save time with your picture-taking. Comes out very professional

Rosy V

Totally worth it! It was a game-changer for my business marketing.

Becky M

Depending on what they primarily photograph I would suggest choosing the first surface that would accent their established 'look'.

David H.

It's expensive

Jamie J

It takes your photos to a desired level with such ease in comparison to you struggling to use current settings and second-guessing yourself

Melissa P

It's very expensive but will make it easier and more professional-looking


Take the leap!!!! All my photos look so professional

Erin B

Don't wait, order now.

Terri C

Try to take photos without it and compare them to see the difference

Nate A


Chelsea u

It's an investment but well worth it.

Deionna S

They've been a game-changer for my photography

Nicole W

If u can afford it, go for it.

Amy m

Just do it! It makes taking product photography less of a chore and more enjoyable.

Carolyne T

Do it as soon as you financially can as they have really upped my orders by showing off the true star which is my product!

Robert S

If you value uniformity in your pictures and the quality to show your customers, then hop on the Replica train now! Even just two surfaces will upgrade your posting profile power.

Chantel p


Elizabeth N

I have gotten so many compliments on my product photography and my website, and many people think they have been done professionally. I have no training in photography or web design. You're how-to videos and the surfaces themselves make it so much easier to achieve great photos than I would have imagined before discovering Replica. I'm so grateful to have discovered you before launching my candle business, so that I was able to launch with a polished looking website and photos on a smaller budget.

Emily B

The best portable studio in the market.

Mel Eleccion

Try it now! I wish I would have placed my order sooner. I'm a maker so taking photos is not something I know a lot about but Replica makes it so easy to digest the material to take better photos and provided amazing backgrounds that do not take up tons of space and provide an elegance to the photo

Leslie M

Just go for it. You will not regret.

Sayani B

These are great quality, professional backdrops that are easy to store and organize.

Melissa C

There are many surfaces out there but if you want your work to stand out from others, you need to try Replica.

Mona-Marie K

You won't regret it!

Noelle B

Not sure.

Steve P

It's the right product to invest in.

Jen S

Don't hesitate. It will make your life much easier!

Gage B

You wont regret placing an order for Replica surfaces. The surfaces are high quality and a great value. These surfaces have been a game-changer in my food photography.

Angela L

Try it, you'll like it!

Eugene B

They are pricey, but they photograph beautifully and so realistically. The hard surface for vertical is a game-changer and the customer service is fantastic.

Meg r

I like this so much!

Adrija S

These surfaces will elevate your product photography. They are worth the investment.

Krista K

Just do it, it's worth it

Amber goolsby



Definitely worth the try

Maveric V

Just do it! I have never regretted a Replica purchase (and we have over 50 at this point)! It makes photography so much easier and gave me the confidence to do product photos!

Jessica S

You won't regret it. It takes your product pictures to the next level.

Tosha W

The best investment you can make! Quality is way better than expected. The surfaces hold up amazingly well! The customer service is the absolute best no matter what the need is! You won't regret anything about RS!

Anne R

They really make everything look so streamlined and professional for Instagram marketing, if you are at that point with your business it’s a must-have.

Katie G

They will not be disappointed with the amazing quality of the surface and how clear the images are.

Nycolle B

Check out the options - you won’t be disappointed with any surface!

Janet H

These surfaces are the most usable and scaled items you can find. The perks are awesome and the community is supportive.

Antoinne J

Worth every penny!

Gabby M

My first photos after receiving the Replica Surfaces were worth the money! Very professional looking! Wish I have been using them all along. It’s an investment in your business!

Louisa G

Don’t wait any longer! PLACE THAT ORDER!

Lisa D

Do it!

Alecia J

It's worth the price

Lorri R

The convenience of having beautiful surface choices without having to try creating your own is worth the price—our time is money!

Eileen B

Game changer!

Linda D

Think 1 season ahead of what you will be selling (if possible), so you have what you need when you arrive at the next season.

Kelcy U

Try it! You will save so much time on set-up it's worth it!

Pamela A

Just do it!

Iris A

You won’t be disappointed.

Amber C

Good if you are going to use them

Kris W

These are so easy to use and small to store! Highly recommend to make your at-home product photos more professional.

Michelle H

Start with super basic, multi-use boards, get 2 or 3, and give it a go! I always recommend a wood (natural walnut is my favorite), a tan (like biscotti linen), and a white (like dove tile). That wasn’t my first setup, but I wish it was (I’d gotten beechwood, smoke, and marble and they weren’t nearly as cohesive).

Rebecca T

To just do it! It’s so worth it and they make product photography so much easier and more seamless. It takes your photos up to a professional level. It is so, so worth it. Having more professional-looking product photos will also, in turn, boost sales. If a customer sees you’ve invested in your brand, they will be quicker to trust you.

Julia B

It is worth it even if you buy just two surfaces. My go-to is still white and white. I always offer people to try mine out to see if they like them. They usually do.

Ana B

Just try one and see how it compares to the one they already own.

Elise R

Just order! You won’t be sorry!

Brenda T

Do it. It's the best investment you'll make. With the best bang for your buck.

LaRena F

The quality and realism speaks volumes!

Brittany A

I would tell them to go for it, they are awesome boards. I was using all kinds of different backgrounds in the beginning trying to make up my own and it wasn’t working out. Things weren’t looking as good as some people I would see that had your boards so I decided to take that step and make the decision and order your boards that I love them.


I could see how the Replica and surfaces would set us apart. Purchasing the Replica was our FIRST investment in our company. The Replica checked so many boxes for us! I remember trying to shoot photos before we bought the Replica and it was stress-inducing and a chore. With the use of a few props, shooting our products became a fun and creative way to show off what we were selling! Taking into consideration how easy it is to set up for shooting photos, it is truly a no-brainer!

Connie C

That them being square is actually a HUGE downside and they are heavy. I own 30+ surfaces and the square size and weight is a major pain point. The square size is awful for overhead images because professional camera images are not square. I even own the carrying case and it’s packed to the max and difficult to get in and out of the car (I have a compact SUV). I love my replica surfaces but I’ve moved on to another company because of these issues.

Sabrina H

Do it. It’s absolutely a game-changer and definitely worth it. It’s even better in person. You’ll never regret it.

Charity T

You will not regret buying them! Very versatile and great long-lasting quality!

Sharon F

Having background options for my art at my fingertips was a game-changer. More affordable than hiring a professional photographer to "capture" the feel of my paintings AND I can set up scenes MY way on MY time.

Kristine K

To give them a chance.

Emily D

Don't think, just do it! It has been the best investment I've made into my business! It is such a time saver and in the end saves on not needing to hire a photographer to take professional photos - I've been empowered by RS with the knowledge and products to create my very own professional photos!

Stacy L

The same thing! They're quality backgrounds and really can help elevate your product pictures.

Meta R

Durability and versatility

Edith L

Don’t wait. Yes, it can be pricey, but it is well worth the investment in your business.

Stacie S

I would definitely recommend placing an order. The product photos I created for the holidays were simply awesome.

Nicole R.

They make shooting product convenient and are worth the price

Amantha T

DON’T WAIT ANY LONGER!! This Studio literally changed how my wife shoots her photography! Game-Changer!!

Greg S

Just do it! They are beautiful and so easy to use!

Stephanie S

Get a pair and see if they work for you. You'll probably realize they do, and then you can get more. Mix and match a handful of Surfaces to get so many combinations.

Richard H

Great, easy-to-use product that improves social media photos.

Sandy G

I'd say to make sure that you build a whole styling world to ensure that you get the most out of your surface - but that they're still wonderful if it's just the surface and your subject!

Julia S

I would say that it is expensive but it's worth the investment because they will last forever and are so reliable to work with.

Chelsea C

Do it! I don’t regret a single one I’ve ordered (and I’ve ordered a LOT).

Victoria B

Place your order! You will thank yourself immediately upon arrival!

D'Andra B

No response, waiting for the first order to arrive!

Susan W

I too was on the fence because I'm a small business, only 1 income, and wanted to be wise in my choice. I don't have money to waste. After researching the different companies, RS stood out by far. Then when I received my 1st one, the quality, easy to use, excellent product for the price. I feel like I get more than what I paid for, instead of usually its the other way around!! Just get one (or better yet a bundle so you can really experience RS) and you'll be like me, wanting more!!!

Gina S

Photographing your products in the most professional way is integral in making sales. The "scape" series are so realistic and really add 'pizzazz' to the photo.

Candy W

Order now!!

Chelsea F

Just don’t think about it and place the order.

Sammy C

Be aware that the Replica Studio does not fit 24x24 backdrops from other makers. I was hoping to have more flexibility that way.

Julie W

It really does make a difference in how I present my artwork and has been worth the money.

Kendra M

It’s an investment in your business and an easy way to upgrade your styling.

Becca A

Don’t wait! Jump on the bandwagon… just know I warned you, they are addictive. (I’ve actually told someone this, and they joined your FB group immediately).

Kandi S

Replica surfaces are an incredible investment to improve your photos. Both the designs and materials are surprisingly versatile, and the quality is incomparable to other competing brands.

Josh B

All of my purchases have been an investment in my business. RS has quality products and is a great resource for business owners and/or anyone that wants professional photos.

Tiffany N

I’d tell them the quality is excellent and they should give it a go if they are in need of this style of background surface.

Audrey D

Just do it.

Belinda S

Just do it!

Eliette Stall

Trust your gut. I waffled a lot before I made my first purchase, then (once they arrived) I fumbled trying to figure them out. Patience is key, watching the videos and customer reviews helps a ton. Trust your gut.

Myrishia M

It changed my business and order volume. Pictures are the most important part of owning an online business because it’s the first thing the customer sees. If your pictures are bad then they won’t click on the product to get further info. These surfaces make your photos look professional and realistic.

Paige P

I was certainly hesitant myself because of the price. I knew they had value and would help me make better photos for my small business, but waited until there was a 15% off deal for my first order.

Natalie S

You won’t be disappointed.

Vivian N

They are very nice quality and unique.

Rachel R

I tell everyone, "This was a great investment for my business, and I don't think you will be disappointed if you invest in them too."

Tinajayne B

It's worth the money.

Catherine M

It was a little pricey for me, but I took a chance and I'm so glad I did!

Liz B

I remember my initial concern being the cost of them (and that was before it was raised), so I would tell them that the quality is absolutely worth it, and that these are made to last and look amazing.

Katie M.

I would show them some of the photos I’ve taken.

Terra B

It's an investment that pays for itself quickly.

Stacey S

Just make the order! Once you see how much time you save not fussing with backdrops you'll be glad you didn't waste time or money looking at other subpar options.

Heather H

Buy them! Make sure to get the stands and watch the tutorials. You won’t regret the investment!

Buffy B

Definitely worth it! Don't wait.

Lakshmi priya C

It will make your photography so much easier!

Amanda M.

Start with the BASICS. Get 1 lower surface and 2 background surfaces that you know you will use over and over again. Get the bundle deal to save a little bit of money and then once you start doing product photography with your first surfaces, then you can start building out your collection for more specific needs.

Christopher G

Definitely get them!

Gina K

Quality products good customer service

Joe L

Well worth the investment!

Diane V

Quality is the best

Tina Smith

Start now rather than messing around with makeshift backgrounds that take up more space and can't be cleaned. You really only need a couple surfaces if you are just starting out.

Jessica S.

You won't regret buying Replica Surfaces! They are so sturdy and there are so many different options to choose from!

Alex S.

I’ve recommended the surfaces to people for their quality and realism

Kaylee F

Give two a try! It’s a small investment to give your photos that extra special look

Leisha B

Go for it! Do not hesitate, you will be so happy

Betty B

Press submit. You'll be so happy with your results.

Amy L.

Nothing really, as this was a purchase for my business

Sharonda H

They are high quality, versatile, and unique

Michelle G

It’s worth it!

Krys W

Quality is top notch and so much variety. There's a Surface for every occasion and need.

Cynthia B.

Do it! You wont regret it! They are easy to store, versatile and you'll want to collect them all!

Jen B

I would say they have some nice quality surface options and the boards are easier to use than paper surfaces but there are also less expensive brands out there if the cost is what’s stopping them.

Jade C

Just do it! They are really easy to use & swap out, and they really elevate your photos!

Terrie D

Replica Surfaces have made my food photography so much prettier and so much easier. I couldn’t live without them.

Beth C

Invest in your business! Replica Surfaces increase your productivity with their ease of use and multiple pairing options. Plus, the how-to videos get you started on great styling.

Jessica B.

Do it, it's an instant upgrade to the quality of your product photos.

Christine K

Just buy it. Super easy to use to stow away and set up. Easier to use than fabric backdrops and more realistic looking than photoshopping a background.

Julie M

Taking your own photos is easier than you think. You’ll save $$$ and time versus hiring a photographer.

Ashlyn Y

Do it!! You'll love it!!

Stacey B

They’re the best I’ve used, plus the studio makes things even easier!

Brittany S

It makes a huge difference! These surfaces are so helpful for a novice photographer.

Maxine O.

The surfaces combined with the staging tutorials will absolutely level-up your photography game.

Mandy W

The hype is real! Once you try Replica you’ll be a fan for life. The versatility, ease of use, variety of surfaces, and innovation are unmatched.

Lori R.

Just pull the trigger and do it!!

Jennifer W

Go ahead and purchase--you'll be glad you did.

Bev C

It’s an investment worth making!

Olivia P

They will pay for themselves 100 fold. Do it!

Erica B

I would first ask about the shooting space they're used to and if they're used to shooting in a bit of a smaller space, I would tell them it's definitely worth it. However, the larger surfaces are so limited that Replica is more suited for smaller subject matter and it does a gorgeous job.

Shannon G.

Start off with a neutral surface to test them out. They work perfectly even if all you take photos with it your phone.

Mayra O.

The surfaces are incredibly easy to use (immediately!) and store flat. No more backdrop tubes!

Amanda B

Honestly it's the best investment you could make in your business! A lot of handmade items are hard to shop for online because 1. there's SO many of them and 2. Most customers are used to seeing products in person and now everything's online so your product photos really NEED to stand out and with Replica Surfaces they absolutely will!

Nick H

Do it! The investment is beyond worth it and will take your photography to the next level, while reducing stress and improving quality. Start with versatile surfaces that can be used for a variety of styles, and soon you’ll see the need and benefits of more niche surfaces.

Kendra B

It’s worth the money!

Jennifer M

Over the years I've built up quite the collection of surfaces, as they make it really easy to mix up my backgrounds. While running my whole business I don't have time to set up elaborate scenes when shooting my bakes, and the surfaces help give my photos a little something extra without any extra fuss.

Becky C.

DO IT! You will never know what you don't try!

Jackie C

Do it! It's worth the money and really elevates your products

Leslie a

To do it. Game changer

Sara M

You won’t regret it!

Kaila K

Look at the photos. It is proof. This will elevate your photography guaranteed

Jen F

It is a good investment for professional quality photos

Megan O.

It makes your life much easier

katharine c

The cost makes the initial investment a challenge, but ask for a surface as a special occasion gift and see what a difference it makes for yourself. It's hard as a small business owner or hobby crafter to invest a bit chunk into your business, but you really do need to spend money to make money. The surfaces elevate your products so much and help you get more orders!


They are so worth it and amp of photos 100%

Christy R.

Just do it, you won't be sorry

Kristy C

Definitely order!

Kristen P

While it is a little on the expensive side, it is an investment worth making

Jessica W

You've wasted more money in time than it costs to buy the surfaces.

Courtney M

Don’t waste your money on trying to piece part backgrounds and tables this is an investment you won’t regret

Jeannette H

Just take the leap and see the results.

Sheyla M

Do it, and do it quick because they will sell out fast.

Sharon N

I would say keep an eye on the website and bundle a few Surfaces together that truly inspire you, or get you excited about photography. When I placed my first order, I couldn't wait to get them in the mail and start taking pictures, but I needed to do my due diligence and research before I was able to confidently make a purchase.

Katie C

They are beautiful, easy to use and the whole RS team is always so helpful during every step of the process. Whether you are asking for ideas, have an issue with your order, or anything else - RS team will get back to you as quickly as possible.

Natasa R.

It’s worth the investment! I purchased Gloss White for a specific purpose but have used them for other photography clients as well.

Dallas D.

They are great for storing— love lightweight and compact photo boards! But I use other companies more who offer double sided options for even better conserving of resources.

Megan G

Easy to use, swap out and durable.

Helen K

Replica Surfaces is the single best investment I have made in my business. It took my photos from blah to amazing! I have been able to up my photography game and attract more business.

Jessica G.

You won't regret it! They are beautiful, high quality, and easy to clean.

Kaitlyn A

Order. It will make your photography issues pretty much go away.

Randee M

If you’re on the fence, just take the leap! You won’t regret it.

Lindsay K

Product photography can be intimidating, but with RS they make it easy. Investing in these tools (and the tips that come with it) has made something I once dreaded, something I’m now confident in and look forward to doing!

Ashley D

It's not too late to make an offer


I deeply wish I had gone with Replica Surfaces from the start. Other brands I purchased at the same range of price aren't as interesting because they don't have as well lit, sharp surface texture. What to say of contact wallpaper or contact paper will work and it adds up financially by the time you buy the warping foam board surfaces to attach them too. Plus they are tough to put on strait or even smooth. Nah. Right now I would rather have one replica surface, like with it's deep and sharply defined texture like the wood grain in one of the ones I got, a turquoise distressed wood surface--- than the 10 cheap contact wallpaper ones which are flatly lit as well as fuzzy by comparison. I also tried getting cheap second hand ceramic tiles that imitate stone or wood from the local Habitat. Another brilliant money saving idea gone wrong, other than for an actual ceramic tile look. They are ridiculously heavy, and I think they are probably also made from some kind of printing process that isn't any sharper than the cheap contact paper. The only drawback for me is that the regular size Replica Surfaces aren't very large for food layouts, other than some more expensive big ones which I don't own, so you can't really get into some strait on angles with food photography without cloning some more surface into the final photo in photoshop. I think the next best thing to a Replica Surface for BIG table size would be getting out your saw and hammer and wood boards. But I think the better option is to just use them with shooting angles that Mandy suggests. Im not trying to advertise Replica Surfaces, which I have no personal stake in. Maybe I can just save other craftspeople like myself from possible mistakes that cost even more money in the end and don't compare in the final photo. I look at my test shots here for food photos, and the ones using RS surfaces zing markedly more than all the other options I have. I think if you have any skepticism ... Ok Im wishing I did this... buy one Replica Surface and then compare that to whatever other options you are trying.

Andrea V

I am happy to find Replica

Sandrine Ribeirinha

I would say if you're serious about being a content creator for products, food + beverage, or other consumer goods, Replica Surfaces is a great way to elevate your look without the hassle of printing out backgrounds, worrying about a spill ruining your set, and generally cuts down on the prep time for a content shoot. I find that I don't have to use as many props as I did before finding Replica. For the quality of the surfaces, it's worth every penny.

Amanda (Mandy) E.

You will be amazed at how easy it is to pair different surfaces and get a clean, professional photo without worrying about everything in the background.

Stephen R

Replica Surfaces are sturdy and the depth in the surfaces is close to being “real.”

Wendy B

You will love the quality of pictures you will start to see when using these surfaces.

Leslie L

These photograph and clean up beautifully.

Elizabeth L

They pay off by simplifying your process and increasing your creativity

Katrina A


Vaidehi D

It definitely makes a difference in product images

Rebecca R

Do it! They look so professional and have so many different pattern choices

Kat S

Excellent product to help you take you to the next level in your product final end. Well worth your investment.

Linda W

You are going to love your Replica Surfaces. Note: they scratch easily, so tell your students to be careful when photographing their kiln fired clay pieces. Lift! Don't drag - as you move your pieces around to take your photos.

Julie S.

I would recommend they purchase from you.

Patricia B.

Definitely give them a try! Great photography done easily

Brandi C

These products are quality items that enhance every product.

Catherine N

They are expensive but they are timesavers so worth it.

Dale C

I would definitely tell them to buy a pair and give it a try.

Penny S

It’s worth it, and you can start small with just 2 surfaces.

Tara K

A unique offering, useful, versatile, in a small package.

Cindy K

Just try one surface, you'll be hooked! It's worth it.

Amanda S.

What sold me was that they were hard. So the ease of creating the L shape setup. I was tired of dealing with vinyl backdrops.

Kristina B

Get it! You won't regret it! They have the best variety so you will find something to fit your brand. They have the best customer service. They have payment plans if you can't afford to buy them in full. They are worth it!

Sarah M

Try one, you won’t be disappointed.

Susan P.

They'll help you learn how to get the most flattering photos for whatever you're selling.

Lisa H.

That it's worth it if you have limited studio space and lighting. It gives options to make pictures interesting etc..

Grace R

Very professionally done…changes the game for product photos

Tambra M

I'm pleased with my purchases, and think they should give them a try.

Jerry H

Just try a pairing that will suit one of your products and run through all the how-to videos. Take part in the user community and see how much support there is for you there. Give it a few weeks using the surfaces and see what a difference it makes to your marketing confidence and to your sales!

Kat M

Don’t hesitate, surfaces will open up a whole new perspective for your creativity. Worth the investment.

Leah W.

Definitely worth it


While they aren’t cheap, they do make image-making so much easier.

Kate L

I would say invest in one and give it an earnest try. See if your photographs have improved

Corkie B

Do it!

Diana R

Do It! The quality of the backdrops are great. They are a nice weight, not thin like competitors. The backdrops are wipeable and come in many usable designs.

Kathy C

I would tell them to try it and order at least two to start. They're worth the investment! I've slowly built up a huge collection over time and it elevates my content to the next level!

Ebony R.

Just do it

Susan G

They are nice surfaces.

Janna G

Watching the free YouTube videos and using the surfaces has really elevated my product photography.

Heather P

These surfaces elevate your photographs and take them to an entirely new level.

Carrie A

The easier it is to take pictures with these kinds of surfaces, the more likely you will bring out your camera and make magical moments. Take a look at example pictures and visualize how easily you can utilize the surfaces to create your own magical photos.


These surfaces are so easy to use. And they really make your photos look more professional (even if you’re not a “photographer” or shooting with an iPhone). In seconds, you can create multiple locations, so they save a lot of time. Also, they replace much bulkier, heavier props that are tough to store. And they allow you to shoot anywhere, so you aren’t restricted to when the light is “just right” in your kitchen. Just do it! You won’t regret it.

Lisa W.

The surfaces are so easy to work with and store and give so much more versatility than a lightbox. They are great quality and the pictures look great with them.

Deja R

Do it. But it is like be aware LOL

Julie T.

The presentation of my pics using Replica has gone from subpar to stunning. The surfaces make my pics "pop" and really help with stopping the scroll of customers.

Dawn A

Wait for a sale


I would say it's worth trying. The quality is better than I expected.


They are smaller than anticipated, but starting to introduce larger sizes. A unique selling proposition is using the small boards with the studio. (I strongly urged you to develop a larger, more robust studio system for larger boards, and make your formats the same as V Flats’. The studio is too small.)

Liz T

They are awesome

Noa L

Start with a neutral color that can be paired with many surfaces down the line.

Allie P

It's a needed investment to elevate your brand and scale your business!

Christine T

Don't wait, and get the bundle! It's a game-changer for all photos. The quality is outstanding.

Amber M

If you can afford it, do it! If you can't afford it, use the free resources they offer to make do with what you have until you can afford it.

Emily G.

Do it! LOL. I have like 30 surfaces and have yet to take a photo, smh

Jamie M.

The surfaces are wonderful, but the customer service and the community are the best part of owning Replica. Everyone is welcoming and responsive, and it's wonderful to be able to consistently get new ideas and feedback not just from other users, but also from Mandy and the rest of the Replica team.

Kelly A.

The studio and the surfaces completely changed the quality of my photos, and the ease of being able to move it where I wanted was worth the price.

Sherri K

Excellent for small items, but difficult to frame if your items are larger than 10”

Kurtis L

If you’re looking for quality, this is the place to go on our side of the water. With a constant rotation of new and comeback surfaces, there will always be something you’re looking for in stock.

Roxana M

I think it’s worth the investment if taking professional-looking photos is important to you and whatever product you’re selling. So far, the quality is definitely there, but it is indeed an investment.

Sarah C.

A bit pricier than similar surface companies but beautiful selections and quality products.

Lorraine S.

You won’t regret it.

Kristina B


Michelle W.

The different surfaces can create such a wide variety of photo styles. Plus they're so much easier to store, transport and clean than many other backdrop options

Fiona D.

Order if you think you’ll enjoy using Replica. Not just for getting the right “aesthetic”. Order for the fun and joy of making beautiful content.

Elizabeth Z.

It's worth the investment. The quality is superior to any other products I have tried.

Dana A.

Take your product photography to the next level with Replica Surfaces. Get the Stand - it is worth it!

Heather M.

It’s a great place to start if you’re trying to elevate your photography game or even just to have more consistent/uniform photos

Jasmine B

It's an investment but it will take your photos to the next level

Tonya M.

Go for it! They are sturdy, durable, and easy to work with. Totally worth it for improving product photos.

Melody J.

Be prepared for constant temptation!

Jason O

I'd tell them to try one of the surfaces I have first knowing that they'd then be sold on it

Hannah S

Surfaces are very realistic and allow you to add different stories to your pictures.

Gwen N

You won’t regret it!

Tee M

Just try at least a pair and it will change the way you take your product photos!

Sally RB

It will help you up level.

Natasha W

The studio table is fabulous and the backdrops a little addictive

Margaret (Meg) H

I would say that it’s expensive, but worth it. The surfaces have instantly improved my photography for my blog with little effort.

Madison H


Anne K

The price point.

Gretchen N

Make sure what you select can cover multiple themes or scenarios as you plan your order. I.E. if you like a glassy look include the replica glass so colors can always be glossy. If you are targeting a female customer, look at the kitchen images. Try to look at what can interact with a theme, I.E. silver sheet pan for rustic look. Try to find 5 ways you can use a single surface so you know you can get value out of ordering it.

Tracy T

They look soooo real.

Jasmine G

I would say, pick one or two backgrounds and just try them out. It's a small investment that can produce amazing results.

Christian B.

Wait until they have a sale.

Barbara S

Get them even if it's just two to start. Then get the studio the way the corners work make it so easy to use.

Felicity D

Do it, start with a bundle of 3 that you can mix and match creating 9 different looks that all fit your brand style! You gotta look at that way, you're not buying 3 photography backgrounds - you're buying 9 setups that snap together quickly and stay together during your shoot. No more propping things up or taping things down.

Kristy H

You will love them when you see how they will show your products.

May W

Save yourself the trouble of hiding the unwanted backgrounds, trying to place your objects on stacks of random household items to get the proper height, and taking pictures in the worst lighting just because that's where your table is.

Cristina N

If you're looking for high-quality backdrops that look realistic and are durable, it's time to buy Replica.

Breanna B

Do not hesitate. The quality is excellent.

Scott L

Try it.

Marci H.

Just get one that speaks to you, that is versatile enough for your needs and try it out.


Yes, they are pricey, but they are a good investment for your business. They are very well made and will last a very long time. Your photos will look professionally done with little effort.

Christy P.

It's a nice, compact, high-quality system.

Kendra C

It's an investment that will pay off sooner than you think.

Andrea G

It's great if the background works for you.

Zarina D

Everyone thinks they are a photographer these days. Cell phones have made it so much easier, but now, so many photos on websites and social media platforms look alike. Replica Surfaces, with their surface recommendations and simple setup ideas, make it easier to improve your photos and stand out from the crowd.

Katherin M

Replica Surfaces will be one of the smartest business expenses you will incur this year. They make life SO much easier.

Sherry C.

Just do it! Even if it's just one, it's worth it.

Erin Z

It's worth trying

Mindy S

The investment pays for itself with your first few clients. The surfaces make styling for food or products easy where they enhance what they are showing and don't distract from the subject.

Melissa W

Investing in yourself to have a polished product is always a good choice. It shows your clients that they should invest in themselves too with quality photography. I have loved all of my replica surfaces. Maybe too much since I own around 30... start with 1 or 2 and master those surfaces. Also, get creative and have fun!

Tiffany B

Try the surfaces and you’ll be hooked!

Gaby E

Take the leap and give it a try. It will definitely give you the look you didn’t know you needed.


Great solution that will last.

Jennifer E

The quality is worth the cost!

Ashley Edwards

I've tried 5 brands, these are in my top 2.

julie m

The ease and quality is worth it.

Ana L.

The outcome will be a professional photo finished look (minus some minor editing of course).

Michelle M

Give it a go. It’s beautifully designed and fits most needs.

Mary E

I really like the product and think it will work for those who need to take photos of objects.

Diana C.

If you're on the fence about placing your first Replica order, I'd say don't wait any longer! Many customers, including myself, have echoed the sentiment of wishing we had tried Replica earlier. The quality, versatility, and overall experience have been consistently impressive.

Christine L

For folks who can't afford professional photography on a regular basis, these surfaces allow even the most novice photographer to create stunning images of their products at a good investment point.

Barbara N

Don't waste your money on cheap knock offs, go with Replica the first time.

Lisa V.

I would tell them not to wait and to order.

Janie N

All your products are of such high quality. I am so impressed with the Photo Studio, and I feel that it is a must-have!

Teri E.

You might think you don't need these but once you get one background, it becomes addictive and then you want all the backgrounds.

Karen B

Replica surfaces make it easy to take great photos of your products.

Michele B

I like them.

Juli k

There's no competition.

Yuliya Z

Totally worth it.

Kimberly M

Good quality, good customer service.

Diane R.

You won't be disappointed with your purchase.

Rhonda H

My order arrives tomorrow so I haven’t even been able to test mine out yet, but from the reviews I’ve read and videos I’ve watched, I would recommend that they try it - it’s easily portable, you don’t have to keep it stationary, and that allows for a lot of creative avenues.

Amanda H

Basically just do it! You won’t regret it, it’s an investment but so is anything worth having!

Georgina T

Jump in - you'll be impressed with the quality and they will help you take great photos!

Cheri P.

Great to have them available whenever I need to take photos of products and knowing they will look awesome!

Furkan K.

Take the chance and order these. Great quality and I have never regretted ordering a surface.

Chris A

Buy them! Great quality and easy to use.

Cyndy U

It's worth a try, the surfaces are beautiful and I love the seasonal ones that come out.

Raven J

The quality, versatility, and durability make the surfaces worth the expense.

Mindy M

Just try a few of the surfaces to begin with.

Kim M

I would tell them that I highly recommend and show them pictures before I started investing in RS Surfaces and the latest pictures where I used RS Surfaces and let them see and decide for themselves what a big difference it made - It is so obvious!!!

Choy C.

It's a great product for anyone looking to make their products stand out in photos! I love being able to change and add surfaces, depending on what I'm photographing. Also, definitely bundle! It's great having options!

Ashley P.

You will not go back to taking photos the way you did before.

Esther S.

I highly recommend Replica! They have a great variety of boards and offer limited editions periodically. The boards are so lightweight making them portable and easy to manage.

Michelle C.

Go for it because you won’t regret it. These surfaces are top notch and are worth every penny.

Audrey C

Get one you won’t regret it due to the durability, flexibility of use and quality.

Jia T

Do it. You won’t regret it!

Julie H

It's a great way to get into product and food photography.

Nick B.

They make it so easy to quickly set up a background to shoot. And there are so many options, especially with the frequent limited releases.

Nicole C

Do it! The quality is amazing and it will totally help you improve your current photos.

Maria R.

Just do it, your photography will improve overnight.

Jenny M

You have to try Replica Surfaces! The quality of the product, the different options available and the customer service and tutorials are unmatched!! I've washed mine, used them multiple times per week, and keep going back again and again to them. You will love them!!

Alisha S.

Go for it.

Kim W

If you take product photos and you've ever struggled with getting a good clean backdrop this is the solution for you!

Kelsie D

Don't wait! You will not regret it!

Christi W

Quality product, the company cares about quality, surfaces are easy to handle, they come in the perfect sizes.

Teresa L

That the quality isn't matched. It's valuable and I wish I had more.

Ann M

I would say that it's worth the investment especially if you have an e-commerce store to sell your products and make it visually appealing for the customer to view.

Karima G.

Just do it.

Kristal H

I would tell them to go for it!

Christy T.

If you're taking food photos (and anything involving wet stuffs), just get it.

Megumi T

Not sure. I haven't received my order yet so I haven't had a chance to see them in person and use them.

Beth W

You would not regret it.

Stephanie C

It's worth the investment!

Jenna B

The Replica Surfaces and Studio have made things so much easier for my small business! I am able to take quality product photos to feature in my Etsy shop quickly and easily. I don't use any fancy photography equipment, but the surfaces make my photos look as though they were taken by a professional! The only problem: I can't stop buying them because they are all so beautiful!

Laura K.

Just try a couple-spend the money for quality backdrops. They're a huge time saver and super easy to change out and experiment with different scenes. Caution: backdrop addiction is a real possibility :)

Leslie M

There are so many options to choose from.

Aarikah J

They make the difference between a picture and a photo.

Susan W

Give Replica Surfaces a try even if it's pricey it will take your photos to the next level.

Khrysta N

Replica elevates your product photographs. You can't do professional photos with cheap backdrops.

Jennifer G

Go for it! The surfaces are amazing and your photos will be greatly improved.

Kathy F

I would tell them that there's no reason not to try it once. The surfaces are beautiful and there are so many styles everyone can find something they can use.

Chantel S.

At least purchase one surface that can be used to style your products with various displays to test.

Renita M

Do it!

Amy M

Definitely a great buy especially if you do product photography.

Patti B

Go for it. It's completely worth it. Start out with a bundle of neutral surfaces that can be used for any occasion/season.

Sara S

Just do it! The cost was a drawback because I feel like I could use about 10 of the designs. But just take the plunge and get your first one and then build your collection.

Andrea l

I would say, “I really love the quality of the surfaces and you have a huge selection of different looks. And they have excellent videos on styling!”

Glenn U

Though they are expensive, I see them as an investment. They are convenient to use and store and, by using them consistently, you can add consistency to your online presence.

Robyn G

I would suggest starting with the basic gloss black, a white, and perhaps one color or texture. This gives you a good grounding on use of the surfaces and as many appear to sell their products on Etsy, eBay, and Amazon the basic white is a necessity. Moving on to products for one's website or a client's website, that is where the fun of colors and textures are best used.

Marilyn G

Start with just one set, and you'll be hooked when you see what a professional look it gives to your product!

Zarina P


Myra B

I would tell him or her that it is an investment that is invaluable for your business. The durable surfaces make it easy to take beautiful photos that showcase your products in the best light possible (no pun intended)! Lol!

Bettina O.

Good photography is essential to sell your product. Replica will help you achieve quality photographs for your website and social media.

Gabriella T

Do it! You won't regret it!

Aimee J

I was unsure at first due to the price in the fact that some poster boards have designs such as farmhouse, wood, and such. It was the garden window that really changed my mind as I haven't seen anything else like that. It’s really simple and beautiful.

Kendra S

Depends on what they need the surface for. I would recommend if they need it for product photography.

Suma S

I tell people how it helped me level up my photos and ability to market my work.

Cassandra E

Replica is the easiest and fastest way to get a professional result for your product photos, you WILL notice a difference even before you adjust any settings or presets, or edit your photos.

Erin S

Do it. It's pricey but the quality is worth it. If you're doing commercial work, your clients will be so thrilled.

Carol D

You won't regret your five dozen. After that you might start to feel a twinge of regret as you spend all of your money on them but not enough regret to stop.

Jennifer N.

It seems to be a good choice.

Luanne O

What is there to be on the fence about? With so many surfaces to choose from, you are sure to find something that works and they are lightweight and easy to move around and store.

Amy C

If you are photographing any product at all - Replica surfaces are top notch and super high quality! You will not regret purchasing!

Kaylyn S

Make the investment! It will pay off! There are so many tips and tricks shared on the Replica site and by Replica users that it is impossible not to benefit from these products!

Kate F

They're made better than anything you can DIY.

Ebonee B.

They're expensive, no doubt, but they're very versatile and light. They also photograph incredibly realistically.

Megan R

These are the best photo boards on the market. I've tried plenty of knock-offs from Amazon and none of them compete. These boards transformed my website and product photos.

Julie c

I would tell them that they wouldn't be disappointed.

HilLesha O.

Good quality but the L-bracket supports are garbage. Neither set ever remotely fit the board edges.

Robert P.

Take the plunge, you won't be disappointed. It'll help get the creative juices flowing and you won't find more realistic scenes anywhere else.

Sarita W

Whether you are a beginner, a pro, or somewhere in-between Replica Surfaces and Replica Studio can lighten the load. For the beginner, it can ease the frustration of figuring out the background and all the gear (and the financials for) to support that background equipment and storing it all. Educating themselves on that as well as learning about the photography end and of the styling for their product needs. It can be very overwhelming and that doesn't touch on post-processing! For the mid-level and Pro... Replica, as I mentioned in a previous answer, lets you focus on what is important, your setup (pun intended). It takes all that frustration (not to mention the time suck) away of setting up large backgrounds with traditional background/light stands or c-stands and so on. You can focus on your set-up and lighting and get on with the important part of photographing your product/set-up. When you are working with smaller set-ups Replica surfaces are easy to store and you need very little space... great for people in limited workspace areas. The Replica Studio is beyond fantastic for space-limited areas as it's mobile and can be moved (within reason) with your setup on it. The other thing is Replica's customer service. Top Notch. Real people respond and quickly. How many companies can you say that about these days? Nearly none. I've not had many issues, but when I did, it was taken care of very quickly and with respect and kindness. The absolute best customer service out there.

Gina S.

I would tell them to go for it. You have an amazing return policy and it is easy to use. If someone doesn't like the surface, they can always switch it out or get a refund. I have recommended your surfaces to several people now and I hope that they have purchased.

Cheryl B.

Don't waste your money on "cheap" options. In the end, you'll save money when you find yourself unsatisfied with those initial purchases. Buy the best and you'll get the best results.

Joann S

Don't wait. Even if your budget only allows for 1 or 2, get them, and get the ones that will be the most versatile for what you need them for. DIY backdrops usually just don't cut it.

Sandra M

Do it.

Dee A.

Do it!

Jeanne P.

It's a high quality product and the educational videos are very helpful.

Anne H

It's an investment but worth it in the end! There are so many options for community support, ideas, and how-to tutorials that you won't get from cheaper options on Amazon.

Samantha H

Don't sit on the fence and get the Studio.

Karen C

You will be thrilled with your order. It will elevate your product and it's super easy to use. As well, it is an investment that will always provide value.

Margo B

Buy it!! You won't be disappointed!!

Tina D

Replica has the best photo backgrounds and beats out the competition. Their backgrounds are well-made and will make your photos stand out. Replica's shipping is fast and arrives undamaged.

Kathy B

That they're 100% worth it.

Heather R

Try them you will love them. It makes such a difference in your photos, so much better than those programs that remove the background.

Kathy S

The surfaces are worth it! They're easy to use and clean and make my photographs look amazing.

Chelsey S

Just buy two, test them out and you'll see. In the worst case scenario, you will have paid a bit more than a cheapie one, and you'll have something quality you'll use over and over. If you don't like them, you can go back to using the cheap ones.

Johanna J

If you do any form of product or still life photography these surfaces are the best around.

Adam K

Replica Surfaces are an easy and fast way to make your photos look professional with minimal fuss.

Shannon G

It’s a great investment for your business.

Audrey F

I would invite them over and let them take a couple of shots on my Replica set up. I think trying it out could be a big help to some people.

Jane W

The Replica Surfaces are perfect for showcasing your products.

Traci L

I would show them images I took and explained how versatile the surfaces are and the excellent quality.

Harry H

You will not regret it.

Kausalya G

If it’s more expensive than you’d like - use it as motivation and a treat. You’re spending the time taking photos and fussing with settings and what not, so get yourself a treat and at least like the backgrounds of the photos that might take you all day to take.

Meghan S

You have other choices but no other company has the variety or support that Replica Surfaces brings to the table.

Barbara H

To try and see if they can do the 4 installment payments instead of doing them all at once makes it much more affordable to get started and when you need more surfaces and accessories. Also being able to do a bundle of your choosing and then sign up for the rewards right away adds up fast and saves you money.

Hope H

It’s great if they want to have versatility and a clean finished look for the backdrops their products are photographed with.

Meghan S

The quality of the product is top notch and worth every penny.

Derek D

It is an investment, but the investment pays off in the consistency of your photography. Having beautiful marketing photos will always pay off in the long run.

Amy V

The surfaces are so easy to use, and they help you get past being stuck in one spot to take photos. You can move them to areas where you have better lighting rather than stay stuck in one place.

Amy M

Intro them to the Facebook group for more inspiration and ways that the surfaces could benefit them (in addition to sharing how I've used them).

Amanda K

Don't underestimate the value of high quality product photos. Replica makes achieving those photos fast and simple so you can don't spend time you don't have on image styling and can spend it on production and sales.

Heather B

It’s expensive but very high quality.

Angel C

It's great to have different photo background options.

Beth C

Great quality and consistently new surfaces.

Dan W

Do it. You won’t regret it.

Michal C

I used to use glossy papers that would get dirty, wrinkled, or scuffed easily; these are so much better quality and will last longer and can be cleaned.

Karissa R

Though they are pricey, the quality is outstanding and worth it.

Catharine A

I have recommended Replica surfaces to several people.

Kiyomi D

It's a high quality product that is worth the money for making your photos look consistent and professional.

Lisa J

This is the investment you need for your studio and, with the proper care, they will last for years!

Jaleesa H.

These surfaces are durable and lightweight and won't wrinkle. Yes, they're priced on the higher side, but you get what you pay for.

Laura R

Invest in it especially for your product photography! Even if you're not a professional like me, the surfaces will surely elevate the aesthetics of your photos.

Maricar M.

They're beautiful but wait for a deal.

Melissa G

I highly recommend! Replica Surfaces allows me to try different backgrounds in a fun way, without any fuss. That alone leads to me finding the BEST combination for the products that I shoot, without wasting time setting up backdrops.

Alain F.

They aren't the magic pill, but with some practice, they can be a great asset.

Crystal A

Go for it. You won't be disappointed.

Kasey M

I would show them some of my before and after photos.

Laura L

I would say that the surfaces are wonderful and great quality compared to other surfaces out there. The ease of swapping out different backgrounds is what sold me!

Colleen M.

Replica surfaces make setting up your shots as seamless as possible, they save so much time and energy.

Maria C

Definitely the price. I feel like your product is worth the price but it's hard for a new business getting started.

Heather D

Don't hesitate, they will take your product photos to the next level. One of the best purchases I've ever made.

Angela W.

It makes your life easier so you can focus on the areas of your business that you want to devote more time to.

Jamie D

The how-to's, tip emails, and courses take so much of the fear out of it!

Kim W

Take the leap. In one day it saved me the time to justify the cost.

Erica C

Try it! The customer service is great.

Irene M

It feels like a big commitment (and it is) but it's also something that takes your food photos to the next level. If you're ready to get serious, or more serious, about elevating your work and showcasing your skills, it's an investment worth making.

Cara H

Honestly, the surfaces are awesome, but the Studio was the game-changer for me. It just makes everything sooo much easier and smoother. It's one of the best purchases I've ever made.

Letitia C

Really help up your photo game and help you create a variety of looks and scenes from home or on the go. Versatile. Lightweight.

Kara S

They can elevate your photos a bunch!!

Danielle P

Take the plunge! It has been the best beginning to food photography. People have asked if I got a new camera but no, I am using my same iPhone 7Plus but the surfaces and how-to videos are magic for me!

Shannon C

I would say the surfaces are well worth the investment. I am pleased with the ones I ordered and they should last me a long time. My photos look much cleaner now. The surfaces have made a difference.

Maryann B

The biggest indication of how "legit" a small business is... is how good/professional their photography is. A consistent and beautiful background elevates even basic iPhone photos and makes you look like a pro!

Angie A

You might think you can find an alternative for less money, but the quality and realism of the Surfaces, plus Replica's proven track record, speak for themselves. Even if they might be a splurge, it's a small price to pay for the return on your investment. The difference I have seen in photos and engagement is like night and day. I can't recommend them enough!

Meagan M

Do it - you won't regret it!!

Maureen F

Just order a few classics, have patience to figure out the creative part and play. Then you'll branch out to more, don't overdo it to get overwhelmed but start. The studio for me was a game changer and helped, so if you want that go for it as that's helpful. So a few classics and the studio and the rest will sell itself if people want/need them.

Michelle T

If it's something you are looking into it's worth it.

Ashlee C

If you're serious about your business, it's definitely worth the investment.

Tabetha S

Quality product

Mary F

Pull the trigger. It's a quick and easy system to have more professional photos instantly.

Delaine C.

Even though the surfaces are quite an investment and shipping/customs/taxes to Canada are ludicrous, Replica surfaces are divine!

Sharon S.

I would say that they are expensive, but they are worth it because of the ease of use.

Carli C

The quality is excellent and it's such a time saver to have these surfaces ready to go. You won't regret it.

Krysten H

What a great product it is, the amazing support and customer service team, that you become like family with replica and all the innovation as they evolve. Oh and serious ease of use.

Shannon J

I love them! It's been a game changer

Brandy C

I would tell them to be careful about ordering solid color surfaces. My experience has been that those have "banding" in the printing process that will show up in your photos. The texture surfaces are my favorite because they can be more realistic looking.

Rose M

They exceeded my expectations

Valarie S

I would say to get it because it makes it so much easier and it's fun.

Rachel C

It's absolutely worth the investment. Just the simple act of buying a few surfaces leveled up my photos significantly

Kait C.

They are sturdy! No flimsy backdrops. They are an investment but will pay off in the long run.

Diana D.

Just do it.

Mary OBrien

Just try it.

Elise C

Honestly, I would tell them to try several brands. Replica is not always my first choice. I can get the same designs from a Spanish company for $22-$25 a lot of times, and I can get longer backdrops that roll up and still lie flat when rolled back out from other brands. Replica has to offer something I can't get anywhere else or something I need in a pinch for me to make purchases there these days, even with "bundle and save."

Alexis P.

It's worth the price tag.

Emily K

I love them and would tell them not to hesitate to get them now!

Colleen Q

Try it out, you won't regret it.

Marie M

I'd say if you want quality photos, you can't go wrong with Replica.

Rachel H.

Start with one pair and you will quickly see how much easier your product photos can get

Jessica L

If you want to show a beautiful photo of your product, order a Replica Surface! They will bring out the beauty of your product.

Kimberly D

It was the best decision ever to take my product photography to the next level! Such a great company providing high-quality products and education

Sara V

Try at least one, like the white gloss or matte which you'll need for almost any/every product shot

Brenda F

Just do it

Deb W

They help with brand photography so much!

Courtney A.

Buy the studio. It’s a game changer. I wish I’d purchased it as soon as it came out.

Emily Z

Don’t overthink it. The surfaces are high quality and easy to use. Make sure you choose the correct surfaces for your photography. It’s all about bringing the correct images together to feature your products to pop!

Dennis N

Just go for it!! We spent so much time trying to take our product photos and we were never satisfied… until we tried Replica Surfaces.

Justin F

It’s definitely expensive but great quality. Prepare for some frustration as the blocks don’t always hold square well.

Jolene T

Do it!

Annie F

I was on the fence too. I'd been ordering surfaces from Amazon but these are hands down the best! They are just made to make your product look better and stand apart whether you want your item to blend in to the background or for it to stand out. They are all perfect and realistic.

Lee W

It may be too expensive to justify, but if you can try one, choose something you know you can use for several types of shots.

Denielle B.

The investment in replica surfaces will most definitely be one that you won’t regret. The time these surfaces save me on my product photography and the way they elevate my brand is worth it! Not only that but I have well over a dozen surfaces, many have been used for years and they are durable and well made!

Jena J

Know what you want to shoot before you buy. Or be clear on your brand voice. You’ll be happier

Thembi J

That is great quality worth the money

Priscilla F

The customer service is top-notch, the quality of the surfaces is amazing, and it's truly worth the investment!

Mary V

It's clean, open, and easy to use

Ilan Ronen

Go ahead and do it! You won’t be disappointed. The quality and durability are top rate!

Tina T

Find 3 surfaces that all work well together.

Sean C.

The Replica Studio has completely changed my wife’s photography levels. Don’t wait any longer!! It is worth every penny!!

Greg S

Give it a shot! It’s great having some versatile backdrops available when you need it most.

Jill H

I tried other "less expensive" surfaces and wasted both time and money. Do it right the first time!

Jennifer G

Easy to use and store; these surfaces make such a huge difference in my photos!

Tasha K

Try one and see if you like the size and quality. Get a background color that's versatile (like a white) and you can always get more if you find it works for you.

Taryn S.

It seems pricey, but the product is great and makes the products look so much better. Even an inexperienced person can take professional-looking pictures!

Isabel D

Start with a classic pairing and give it a try!

Kat M

It has been well worth the money! I am a home baker and always struggled with content photos. The studio and surfaces have improved my photo quality significantly. If you are ready to grow your business, these are a great investment!

Laura D

It will change your images right from the first time you use them. So realistic and easy to use.

Lynn N.

Best backgrounds ever. Make taking product photos a breeze. I’ve saved so much time editing photos, which is important as a small business owner who wears many hats.

Jennifer F

They absolutely can elevate your photography - even simply with your phone. In the world of social media, having surfaces that match your aesthetic and leave the focus of your product at the forefront is so important.

Kaitlyn C.

The quality of the surfaces is the best there is. You get what you pay for!

Jason H

The difference in my photos before Replica Surfaces and after is all I would need to show them!

Vicky H.

GET IT! They make taking product photography 18373728 times better!

Ariell A.

It improves my product photo quality immediately which helps us getting into bigger events.

Peggy C

Just do it!

Bridgette M

They won't regret it

Carol L

This is a great investment to get your right and aligned customers seeing your offerings! It helps reduce time in preparing and can be reused over and over again to save on costs, too!

Britney T.

They offer professional looking backdrops

Lynda K

I don’t know. There hasn’t been any new surfaces released lately that I’m interested in. Maybe for someone selling soap or candles I would say go for it. I wish you had more options to choose from. I feel like it’s very limited to small quantity releases and not enough choices.

Gina L

I would say go for it. It’s a great product!

Stephanie G

You won’t regret it! If you’re nervous maybe start with 2 surfaces and see how you like them. Or run the risk of spending hundreds or thousands of dollars hiring someone else to take your photos.

Kennedi S

If you can afford it, place the order. But be warned, you’ll end up wanting more and it will cost you.

Dave H

Replica surfaces are just so easy to work with. Not too big and unwieldy, and so light. Plus, the connectors for attaching the bottom surface with the back surface are genius! I am doing many more straight on shots now, rather than mostly top-down.

Molly P

You won't be disappointed and it will elevate your work

Kat K

Product is durable and as photographs as beautifully as shown on website. Ships fast and securely. Customer support is super!

Cherish B

Think ahead and grab universal surfaces first.

Barb C

Replica is the only product I've found that can make a novice look like a pro! So easy to use and makes taking marketing photos a breeze!

Melody P

I would say "take the leap!" The confidence you'll get in your upgraded photos alone will make it worth everyüëèüèΩsingleüëèüèΩpenny!!!

K.Samone R.

Invest in good product!

Hannah T

Start with one or two! You can do a lot with just one or two surfaces. The investment will pay for itself.

Christine W

It is a great way to get rid of a distracted background! I already find a difference in my photos using it.

Nina P

Maybe wait until there’s a sale, then jump in! I have told other business owners I know that could benefit.

Cheryl P

The surfaces make good quality photos so easy and quick. I follow the templates, snap a photo and my marketing is done in less than 20 min.

Abbey W.

Just do it! You won’t regret it.

Brittany F

The quality is unmatched, just order them!

Sarah P

The backgrounds are of the highest quality for photography

Cindy G

You’ll only be sorry you didn’t order them sooner!

Angie P

If they are good enough for my professional photographer, they are certainly good enough for you! Take the plunge... you will happy once you receive your amazing products!

Lisa H

Try it out and look at the customer photos.

Lisa M

If they have either a smaller space to work in, or smaller products they are taking images of, this is perfect. I would stress to be mindful of the size of their products. Though you are now offering the XL boards in more designs, they still are not in ALL the designs you make just yet. but, I would and do highly recommend your backgrounds often!

Marianne Q

Just do it.

Heidi H.

Just do it. You won’t regret it. And buy them all.

Leketra W.

The return policy is great so it would cost anything to try.

David M

Just go for it! You won't regret it.

Liberty V

I would say order it as soon as possible and start with basic backgrounds.


That they will elevate your photos, last for years and to pick neutral tones because those will be the first you grab every time.

Samantha B

I was one of those people who said I wish I would have discovered Replica sooner.

Deborah B

up levels your photos

Bridie M

I would tell them it is definitely worth trying.

Haley S

The surfaces are a portable size for photographing small objects on and they photograph nicely.

Meagan S.

You won't be disappointed. Great customer service too.

Dawn A

The ease of use and peace of mind is worth it

Jill T

The surfaces are easy to work with, and there are lots of options. Start with just a few that best fit your brand. You can always add more (and you will). If you can afford the studio it's totally worth it.

Hannah H

It helps to propel your business forward, especially if you don't have much time to take product pictures.

Nikki M

You won't regret it, just do it

Audra N

Great for consistent product photos

Shannon K

You can literally take these anywhere to have a mini portable studio at your fingertips. So easy to mix and match surfaces to create many different looks!

Christina K

Do it! The quality of the backgrounds is well worth the price. Also the owners seem to constantly be listening to feedback, updating their product and staying honest with their customers.

Kelleigh S

As soon as I started using Replica surfaces, my photos improved and photo shoots took less time.

Amy K.

I would ask them what their pain points are with their current setup and what they're on the fence about (price? feeling like they're throwing away money spent on current products?). I'd tell them that Replica sells quality products, and they offer so many beautiful background options for all different industries. If they're worried about price, I'd highlight bundle savings, the rewards program, and coupon codes. Those all help make my continued investment in Replica more feasible.

Andrea F.

I would say to start with 2 surfaces if you're unsure, but definitely get the studio if you are leaning in that direction. The studio definitely makes the surfaces extremely easy to use, if for no other reason that providing a ready-made platform so I don't have to clear off a countertop or table. I only have the first generation corners, and I have never been able to get them to work. Have the studio mostly eliminates the need to use corners. Anyway, in short: start with two, and if you like them, get the studio, even if it's a bit of an expense. It's worth it for portability, versatility, and ease of shooting.

Jenni F

They are worth the investment early on! They were one of my first purchases on my content creating journey and get so much use. They enhance the content so much and it helps to justify the rates I charge as well as it helps the content appear more elevated!

Lisa L

Just do it!

Jackie D

I would definitely encourage them to place the order since I would guarantee them that they wouldn't regret their choice. I would buy the ordered surfaces from them if they weren't pleased-that's how sure I am they would love the surfaces.

Sherie H

Do it.

Rich J

Something about these surfaces brightens anything you are trying to take a photo of! Our products have never looked as good as they do on the replica surfaces and we build almost every photo shoot or video around using them.

Karlee W

Do it! The quality is great.

Katie C

Make sure you have enough storage - I had to build a custom rack because I have so many

Keeley P

It's going to help boost your brand look online. It's going to save you time and the VIP community will help you if you need tips or motivation

Carmen N

Dont walk, run and expand your library with a bundle

Lisa G

I would say to try two surfaces and see how easy it is to set up and breakdown. And if they can splurge, buy the studio.

Jeffrey A

It’s well worth the money. The surfaces are sturdy, highly realistic, and film great.

Summer T

If your serious about your photography take the jump don't wish you had done it sooner.

Joe R

Take the jump! I have, gosh, maybe 15? total surfaces. It’s addicting once you start but it truly can make or break your product images! If I could do my product work in a tiny kitchen studio with one collapsible plastic table and two surfaces…you can do it anywhere you please or imagine.

Mikaela D

I really like mine I would go with the one that align with your brand identity and colors. I wish they cost less, the prices have gone up.

Vanessa K

I would say go for it! I absolutely love mine and can’t wait get more.

Meghan H

Very well made product with excellent customer service.

DiAnna P

Make the better investment now

Elizabeth B

Worth the investment

Brie G

These are a great solution for photography or video backdrops

Krystin S

Using Surfaces along with the Studio cut down my time spent taking photos/videos and gave me more time to create products for my business! The Surfaces are also super helpful for recording Reels/Tik Toks as you get a gorgeous surface and backdrop and don’t have to worry about having an aesthetic home or workplace.

Caitlyn K

it’s compact enough to try

Roy M

The quality is amazing.

Mindy B

It makes taking product photos effortless.

Letitia I

I would say it's worth the investment. However, one of my boards got scratched early on by one of my projects. I thought they might be more scratch resistant but still… they are high quality.

Cathy A.

Add to cart and checkout!

Rachel H

I’d give them a very stern warning: once they try their first Surfaces, they will be hooked. Before long they’ll be venturing into backgrounds and textures they never would’ve thought would work.

Brett M.

Personally I love the studio best.

Laurie H

These surfaces are great for creating a scene for your product and they are easy to carry on location shoots

Chris S

Watch the first course and think about your most common issues. 3 simple surfaces can get a lot of milage to start.

Dan V.

I would say my only regret is not placing an order sooner.

Rob G

The surfaces add so much to your photos, really elevating your products.

Jessica H

Just do it. You won’t regret it. It’s an investment that will really give back to your business.

Kelly R

Don't overthink it, this changes everything.

Tina D

Just do it. You can't go wrong with classic pairings like white marble and tile.

Chondra A.

You won’t be sorry with any of these products

Greg H

Replica Surfaces take away the stress of cleaning up the prettiest corner of your house for product photos. You can have an ever-changing, always gorgeous background available!

Lita M

Easy to use and effective. Why not try?

Suzanne G

Check out the photos on the website and FB

Rosemary H

I would tell them to invest in one just to make sure they like it! I think once you make the plunge into the first one, the rest become easy.

Michael R

If you can afford it, it's worth it.

Bri C

I'd love to see more large surface sizes available

Melissa Z

The surfaces combined with the studio make my photo shoots so much easier.

Lisette E

I would say that the quality is excellent. But the surfaces are pricey, so if they can afford it, they should try them out. Also, there are really not a lot of surfaces to choose from in the basic catalog. However, the surfaces sold are a good variety of basic surfaces to get started with.

Patricia M

I've invested more money than I ever thought I would on Surfaces and The Studio, but I've never regretted it. The fantastic customer service alone makes me feel good about the investment. Not to mention the video tutorials and other tips that've improved my skills. And the new products make me excited for what's to come!

Jennifer H

You will be very happy with your photos!

Heather A

You will be pleased with the value

Lynne B

I would definitely buy again. They are so professional looking and easy to use. I also wish I'd bought the studio quicker too!

Paula P

They are so versatile

Missy F

Do it!

Jill P

Not sure yet as I have not had time to even use my products yet. I am going to do a test shoot tomorrow.

Paul N

The price is absolutely worth it for the quality of surface you are receiving!

Melissa C

I would tell them to do it. I do wish they were larger, but I love that they are solid.

Kimberly S.

Don’t think about it. Just do it and you won’t regret it

Clara T

Absolutely worth the money. I've tried other options and they pale in comparison. You end up replacing crappy options over and over again, whereas with Replica you're paying for quality that works/lasts.

Aberdeen L

The replica surfaces plus the video series will turn you into a professional product photographer in about 3 hours. It was game changing for my small artisan skincare business.

Dawn K

I’d say give it a try. You wont be disappointed! Especially if you need it quickly. And its made in America!

Tammy S

I wish I had done it sooner.

Desiree T

You won't regret it.

Helida D

Replica Surfaces are worth the investment in quality and ease of use

Rachel G.

I would say go for it - they are easy to use and work well for all kinds of projects

Kim E

you won't regret it, I am still using my surfaces I purchased 2-3 years ago every single day

Natalie T

You will not regret it. They investment is worthy - In the end, it would save you a lot much time

Sandra R

If your photos don't currently make YOU say wow to your own products, they're not making your clients or customers say it either. Replica Surfaces adds the WOW without the exhausting WORK.

Naja H

It’s definitely worth the investment. Photos can make or break your business.

Melissa W

I genuinely would tell them to start with the hard way first and don't jump into replica. The fact is I wouldn't have fallen so in love with the product if I hadn't felt pain first. Sure I wish I could have skipped the pain but I learned a lot that made me really appreciate the product vs always wondering if it was worth it.

Diana P

Just do it because its a very easy, lightweight way to set up a studio space for getting great shots

Jonna N

This will definitely elevate your product photos.

Tina W

This is better than a small photo light box

Cindy H

If you want good quality, plan to use the surface(s) more than just a few times, and have the budget for them, they are worth the investment. If, however, you are looking for a broader range of surface options at the same or similar cost, go with a reputable brand that offers double-sided surfaces.

Kiara M

It's made photo shoot day so much easier!

Katie H

Do it! You won’t regret it. Plan what types of pictures you want so you can pick the backgrounds that match your initial theme then grow from there.

Curtis H

Don't wait - try it! I definitely recommend the solid colored surfaces first and as you get familiar with them or know your content move to others. They are all amazing!

Kimberly P

It is a simple step to help elevate your DIY product photos.

Rebecca P.

It would really bring color and dynamics to your photography.

Mark H

Do it. Its worth it

Katharina N

you will instantly elevate your home studio and feel confident about what you are shooting with these surfaces. They take the guess work out of making a scene

Katie D

If you sell physical products and want to make content creation for social and your website a breeze, place your Replica Surface order and you won’t regret it.

Gabrielle D.

Try it you will Love it!


I would tell this is an excellent investment in building their brand. The surfaces and their accessories make the content creation process more efficient. The surfaces and their accessories are made using high quality materials and high resolution print which will allow them to consistently make amazing photos and videos that are relevant to their products and or services for a long time. They are easy to store and there is a large variety to choose from in addition to resources both free and paid that can help you maximize their usage including tutorials, pairing combinations. They can also join a friendly and knowledgeable community that can support them whether it's giving photography tips, supporting one another's businesses or just sharing their love of Replica Surfaces. I would also tell them about the excellent customer service I have received.

Arieanya B

These are a game changer for anyone wanting to level up their product photos! As a wedding photographer, I primarily use my surfaces as a beautiful and sturdy background for my clients' wedding invitation flatlay, but I've also used them to photograph and advertise handmade products. Having two (or more) boards helps create a scene, giving more depth to the photos and more context to the product. These surfaces can be as simple as providing a clean and consistent background or used to visually tell a more complex story for selling.

Miranda A

The investment in Replica Surfaces when you're charging the right price for photography. Guaranteed you'll be able to get your money's worth out of the surface regardless if you decide to buy in to the entire system or a bigger catalog. It's a no brainer!

Isaac C.

You won't regret investing in these. My clients loved the results from using the surfaces and added value to hiring "me" as a photographer.


Since you can store the items in a LARGE footprint storage solution, consider that Replica Surfaces are a marvelous investment in creating a powerful studio in a fraction of the space traditionally needed/used. And if you're disabled (as I am) you can set up the studio on your own, which allows you more in the way of creative and artistic independence.

CariAnne H

Give it a shot, you have nothing to lose.

Jack R

Do it!

A Hipelius

Get one or two, you won't regret it. They give you the quality background you need.

Andrea J

Do it! You won't regret it.

Sherice B

Choosing your first Replica to buy will be a difficult selection, but you won't regret it. You might just regret you only bought one.

Diana D

It's sort of expensive when there are other alternatives.

Monica N

I would explain that Replica pays attention to detail and show examples of their uses

Christos S

It is an upfront cost but so worth it when you shoot your first photo or video with it. It takes it to an entire new level of professionalism!

Kayla B.

That they would get so much more out of it than expected and it's worthwhile to take a leap of faith.

Trish M.

Don't let the price stop you. If you can only purchase one and build from there, then you won't regret it.

Alfredda F.

It will be worth it. Taking photos are not easy. The background will be one less thing to worry about.

Nicolette L

I would tell them that Replica has great customer service, is very helpful and the products are really good quality. Plus they offer helpful tips, too!

Catherine P

“Ponder no longer! Plus, with the amazing Replica team and community, support is always at hand.”

Susan O.

It's human to procrastinate when we're unsure it will work out in our favor. The same goes with purchasing items. As soon as I decided to purchase my first set of Replica Surfaces I knew I had no more excuses for not taking photos of what I baked. It takes that first step to move forward and the quality of Replica Surfaces makes turning your dream into reality very achievable.

Melody C.

I would tell them to order. They won't be disappointed.

Becky S

Worth a try because of the quality but definitely get something universal if you're just getting started or wanted to test the brand out.

Carly C

It is worth it! You will never go back!

Raquel L.

You'll be surprised about the quality of the surfaces!

Sarah H

Once you see and work with the surfaces, you will realize how much easier your workflow becomes. They have top-notch customer service, too

Jill S

It makes photographing your products so much easier.

Beth K

BUY IT! You won't regret it. They are such high quality, clean up nicely and really enhance your photos.

Vicki S

They are so easy to use/click together and they are super high quality.

Effie G

Surfaces are such high quality and you will never feel like your photos are stale because Replica is always sending ways and tips to improve your shots.

Julia W

These are great surfaces, and once you get one you will want to buy all of them!

Jessica M

If you're not a professional photographer but want your product to have a good shot this was easy to use and gives a clean professional look!

Nicole M

You will never regret your purchase

Reem El

The surfaces really enhance your photo and make them look more professional.

Linda D

Don't wait! The flexibility this system provides is amazing! Quality is top of the line.

Kara G

They look beautiful and realistic more than any other background

Tammie O.

Great for beginners

Christine C

Go ahead and do it! It makes setting up your shoots so easy - no more fussing with backgrounds - and it looks so professional!

Barbara L

They're worth the investment. They're well made and easy to clean

Lymarie J

If you have ever thought your home isn't "aesthetic enough" for photos and you're putting off content creation until you're happy with that, RS is the immediate fix for that issue.

Danica E.

If you want to take your product photos to the next level Replica surfaces will help you do that.

Stacy O

I own the studio and it has made taking photos super easy.

Gwen P

I would suggest using the bundle offer to save or keep an eye out for the occasional sale. I know a lot of times people are on the fence because of price, it's definitely an investment! I've seen also a really great community in the FB group that help with feedback or questions from pros to beginners and being able to find that kind of community is a wonderful perk and resource to make use of.

Victoria G.

That they will love them. It is worth the investment.

Joy R

Give it a try

Paul W

Cheaper than most backdrop options, good for small product shots, easy to store.

Diane P

If you're looking for quick change, easily customizable product photography, there isn't a better option than Replica. They have so many beautiful and vivid options that add impeccable style to your product layout and aesthetic. They are easy to use, easy to clean, and help save money on trying to find new photography locations and backdrops for your product catalog.

Stephen G.

It's a great investment especially if you're taking your own product photos and want them to look professional.

Stephanie D

You just gotta try it to believe it!

Jennifer D.

Just do it. Honestly. Replica Surfaces are a total game-changer for product photography. I started with just 4 surfaces, and it was definitely an investment for me. I opted for Subway Tile, Sandstone, White Marble, and Moonrise, because I know the first 3 would be the most versatile for my [home and bath] products, and that moonrise would be the perfect compliment for my ocean-themed branding. I now own 11 Surfaces (plus a styling towel and two sets of storage sleeves), but subway tile, sandstone, and moonrise are still my first go-tos any time I need new photos.

Krystina J

lot of customers have told us "I wish I would have tried Replica earlier." What would you say to someone on the fence about placing their first Replica lot of customers have told us "I wish I would have tried Replica earlier." What would you say to someone on the fence about placing their first Replica lot of customers have told us "I wish I would have tried Replica earlier." What would you say to someone on the fence about placing their first ReplicaHC and then I kept Tupi g to see how it is and if I can keep goin mg

Adam kg

just do it.

Adam G

Amazon stuff sucks

Adam G
